How You Were Born/How They Found You

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Elijah Mikaelson: Elijah found you in the French Quarter while Marcel was cracking down on witches. Your mother had just been killed by Marcel and his goon squad and you were looking like you were in danger. Someone put you in his arms and told him to get out of sight knowing that seeing an Original would start something bigger than the situation already was. He looked down at you as he listened to what was being said outside the hiding spot he'd chosen. "Looks like you're going to need a home, little one," he whispered to you. You gave him a gummy smile as you looked up at him. "Your new Uncle Klaus isn't going to like this but he'll change his once he sees you." He took you home with him after that.

Klaus Mikaelson: You are the twin sister/brother of Hope. Everyone was rather surprised when Hayley had not one but two children with Klaus.

Rebekah Mikaelson: She had been visiting Mystic Falls after your cousin Hope was born when she ran into Matt Donovan. One thing lead to another and she found herself with child. Not that she knew how she was a vampire after all. But be that as it may she was very happy when you came into the world. You were a little bit of happiness just for her.

Hayley Marshall: You are the twin sister/brother of Hope. Everyone was rather surprised when she had not one but two children with Klaus.

Sophie Deveraux: You were actually her sister Jane Anne's youngest daughter. She adopted you after your mother died because your father wasn't in the picture. He'd left after Monique died during the harvest ritual. He blamed your birth mother for what happened to his oldest and had just left. Jane Anne had made Sophie promise that if anything happened to her she'd take you and not tell your father about it. So after she found your mother killed by Marcel's vampires and tried to give her a burial she went by Jane Anne's house and collected you. She had no clue about raising children but she'd figure it out as she went.

Marcel Gerard: You are Davina's little sister. When he saved Davina's life from the Harvest ritual she brought you along with her. That was one of the only stipulations she had to going with him because she didn't want your parents taking you in her place. He basically adopted the two of you as his own family in a way.

Camille O'Connell: You are her daughter with her high school boyfriend. She left you in the care of her Uncle until she came to New Orleans. She's since taken over your care and highly regrets leaving you alone with her Uncle for so long. You and Klaus don't really get along though because her Uncle told you what he is.

Kol Mikaelson: You are his child with Davina Claire. They had you when he was trapped in the body of Kaleb Westphall but he knows that your his child. You even look like you're a Mikaelson. He vows to protect you no matter what.

Freya Mikaelson: You are one the many children that Dahlia took in payment for granting a woman the ability to have children. She intended to return you to your birth parents but found that it was to late. Your birth parents had been killed. Not knowing what else to do she decided to keep you as her own child. She feels pity that you will never know your real family but she wants to make you a part of her own.

Finn Mikaelson: Finn wanted to use you as a weapon against his brothers Elijah, and Klaus. You were a werewolf child that he'd found wandering around alone. He knew no one would miss you so he took you off the street and is waiting for the right time to put you to use.

Davina Claire: You here child with Kol Mikaelson. She conceived you when your father was trapped in the body of Kaleb Westphall but she knows that you are Kol's child. You look just like a Mikaelson. She like your father vow to protect you no matter what. Even if it means protecting you against your Uncle Klaus.

Joshua Rosza: He and Aiden adopt you from an orphanage. They saw you and both of them thought that you were the right child for them. 

Hope Mikaelson: You are Hope's child with one of the local werewolf packs. Like her mother Hayley she married a werewolf to solidify an alliance between her mother's pack and the one of her new husband. You are a hybrid like her. It kind of runs in the family genetics after all. Your grandfather is Klaus the original hybrid. 

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