Chapter 4: The Grand Piano

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-Dean POV-

"First stop: your room, you can put your stuff down and I'll show you around." Cas says, leading me down a hallway opposite Meg's office.

There's at least 5 doors on each side of the hallway, a window with thin bars at the end.

"It's right down here," Cas says, going to a room labeled '103' and holding the door open for me.

It was the last door on the left next to the window at the end of the hallway.

I stepped inside, Cas walking in behind me.

It was a plain, silent room. It smelled of sadness and had two plastic green mattresses in cheap brown wood sitting next to each other in the middle of the room. There were two small dressers for clothes close to each bed.

"After the tour I'll grab you some bed sheets and a pillow or two.." Cas says from behind me.

I put my backpack on the bed, looking around the room again.

There was one large window and a door, probably leading to the bathroom,

"It's quiet," I say, pitifully.

Cas looked sympathetic for a moment, looking around the room.

"And cold," I say when Cas doesn't say anything, "it'll be alright though... Castiel, it's just a few days.." He nods at that, looking sad. "Hopefully.."

There are a few more seconds if silence, just Cas and I staring into each other's eyes. "Welp, I guess we should get this 'grand tour' started, huh?" I say, breaking the silence.

"Uh.. yeah,"

He steps towards the door and holds it open for me again, waiting until I'm out to close it behind himself. "Let's go to the cafeteria, lunch just ended a little while ago so Gabriel should not be busy."

Without commenting that I didn't know who Gabriel was I nodded, once again, letting Cas lead the way.

His ass was looking as good as always, it jiggled slightly when he walked but looked firm at the same time?? Was that allowed?

He rounded the corner, walking past all the people in the brightly colored room and into a rather large cafeteria. It had tables scattered around with at least 6 chairs at each.

"Cassie!" A happy voice said, "What a nice surprise."

"Don't get to excited, brother. I'm showing a new patient around," he pauses, turning around and looking at me, "Dean, this is my brother Gabriel, he's the chef here. Gabriel," he says, turning back around to his brother. "This is Dean, he's staying here for a few days and he likes pie."

"Nice to meet you Dean," He replies, I smile at him while waving, "What does him liking pie have to do with anything?" Gabriel asks, looking confused.

"If you could add some to the menu sometime within these next few days, that'd be great."

"I don't do tha-"

"Thank you, Gabriel." Cas interrupts, grinning, "Now, we have a tour to finish, this is obviously: the cafeteria." He says, waving his hand around.

I smile at him, turning towards the cafeteria entrance door.

"This is the recreation room," he says once we exit the cafeteria. "You'll probably spend most your time here." Cas says quietly, trying not to disturb everyone watching TV.

There were nurses littered around the room, some sitting with the patients and talking, others sitting alone and making sure nobody is doing anything they're not supposed to.

The Piano Man (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now