Chapter 5: The First Day

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-Dean POV-

After Cas went home I went in my room, overwhelmed with the amount of people here.

I took a shower and laid on my bed, not having much to do in that cold, quiet room.

I heard occasional laughter and loud talking from the rec room and it made me more nervous.

I stayed up all night in my room, waiting to relax until I heard people going to bed at 10:30.

Someone came and checked on me every hour, as Cas said. It was a little annoying but I just pretended to be asleep. A part of me wishes I had a roommate but then again they'd probably just be annoyed by me.

I waited until someone came in and told me it was breakfast to actually get up, I hadn't slept but I'd been laying on that death trap they called a bed for hours and everything hurts.

I hastily decide to wear a short sleeved shirt and jeans. I put on simple black ankle socks and my flip flops, knowing I didn't have any other goddamn shoes and they'd probably take them if I did.

After applying deodorant, brushing my teeth, and combing my fingers through my hair I head for the cafeteria.

People were more quiet in the morning that at dinner, I noticed.

I didn't usually eat breakfast so I just grab an orange and a bottle of water and go to sit with Charlie.

"Hey, Dean!" Charlie's ecstatic voice says as I sit down,

"Hey..uh.. how was your night?" I ask, trying to sound like a normal person and not a ball of anxiety.

"It was fun! We played Monopoly, you should have stayed up," she grins at me, I feel a twinge of jealous at that, I try to ignore it, knowing my anxiety wouldn't have let me enjoy myself even if I had stayed with them.

"I was just... Tired.." She raises her eyebrow at me.

"You don't have to lie around us, we understand." She says, gesturing to Jo and Benny, who look up from their food confused.

I nod in reply and start peeling my orange,

"You should join us at recreation later, I promise we won't make you talk or anything.." Jo says, drawing my attention.

"I..uh," I stop, I know I should but it's gonna make me severely anxious for the rest of the day.. "sure." Dammit, why can I not say no?

Charlie and Jo beam at me, "Great!" Charlie says, picking up a muffin off her tray and putting it on Jo's,

"What usually happens in therapy?" I ask, waiting a few beats,

"What do you mean?" Charlie asks, Benny looks up at me but doesn't say anything, I figure he probably has anxiety issues too.

"Well, I've never been... What does Cas usually ask about?"

Jo smirks, putting her head down, "it depends why you're here. Usually me and him talk about food and feelings." Charlie replies, shrugging.

"I'm nervous." I admit, my voice quiet. "What if he makes me stay?"

My new friends look confused, Jo lifts her head off the table and squints at me, "You're not here to stay?" She asks.

"Nah, I'm only staying for 2 more days... Unless Novak says otherwise."

The other 3 kids look envious, "Wow... Lucky." Jo says, suddenly pouting, "I've been here for 23 days."

I let my eyes widen momentarily. "Oh." Flashes of anxiety runs through my stomach, the thought of staying here terrifying to me. "I'm sorry."

Jo waves me off before shoving the muffin Charlie gave her into her mouth.

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