Chapter 9

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It was a quiet day and I was meditating outside in the front yard. For awhile it was peaceful. It later became night. The animals sing and for once I felt like I was actually...Uhhh. I can't figure out the word but nevermind it. Cosmo eventually came out and sat next to me. Wonder what could be in store for me.

Cosmo:Hey Razi.

Raziel:Hey Cosmo. What're you doing out here?

Cosmo:I felt a lil worried considering you've been out here all day.

Raziel:Don't worry. I can handle myself. Besides, I have a sword with me along with my knowledge of martial arts.

Cosmo:You know I sometimes wonder if you're really this happy all the time.

Raziel:What? Of course I am. Why the heck would I exist if I wasn't happy?


Raziel:Heh. Well I'm gonna play my flute.



Amy:Woah he's gonna play the flute?

Sonic:This I gotta see.

Tails:I bet he's got a good a song.

Cream:This'll be wonderful. I haven't heard the beautiful sound in forever.

Rouge:Play the tune honey.

Knuckles:I never heard of a flute before.

Everyone:glares at Knuckles*

Knuckles:What? I've heard of other instruments except the flute.

Raziel:Ok I'll give you a pass on that one. Well you all really want to hear my flute?

Everyone:Yes Raziel!

Raziel:Ok then. This by far might be the most beautiful tune I've ever played.

As I played the mystical Mobian Flute, everyone just calmly listened and were instantly hooked into the wonderful sound it had emerged. All the girls had shed a couple tears and the guys just swayed to the flow of the song.

Raziel:sighs*A wonderful song. Music releases my stress.

Cosmo:That's what she said.

Raziel:COSMO!!!!!!! (blushes insanely)

Everyone:laughing to the point where they fall to the ground and can't breathe*

Raziel:sighs*Was that really necessary?

Cosmo:Yes it was Raziel. Yes it was.

Raziel:Well I'm going for a ninja run.

Cosmo:A wha-

Raziel:dashes off*

Cosmo:Dang he runs fast. You might have met your match Sonic.

Sonic:Maybe. But the only way to find out is through a race. Though I don't feel like running today.

Amy:I'll help train you Sonic. (chases him)


I was somewhat watching the whole thing unfold while Amy was chasing Sonic. It was kinda funny but I guess these 2 will never grow up. After having a little laugh, I went for my run and I ran into someone very familiar. Someone who I didn't want to meet. Can you guess who? ..........No? Ok then. It's Scourge. Oh I'm ready for something bad to happen. Pray to God I don't get humiliated something.

Scourge:HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE- Well well well. If it isn't the emo ninja.

Raziel:I don't have time for this Scourge. Remember what happened last time you were around me. (tries to walk off but Scourge gets in the way)

Scourge:Oh you're not going anywhere. HEY FIONA!

Fiona:Sup sweetie.

Raziel:Wait a minute, time out. Is she your girlfriend.

Scourge:Yeah. Thought she told you I was her boyfriend.

Raziel:Then when we first met, you told me to stay away from Cosmo. Sue was your girl. If you already have a girlfriend, why go after Cosmo?

Fiona:Because Cosmo is nothing but a wimp and Scourge and I can help her become a mean, green, killing machine.

Raziel:You guys are awful you know that?

Scourge:throws a punch*TAKE THIS!

Raziel:just moves to left*Don't telegraph your movements.

Fiona:goes in for a tackle*

Raziel:elbows her back and her neck*

Fiona:screams in pain*

Raziel:Going in for a tackle is liking asking to slaughter you in terms of your spine. So, hope you like wheelchairs.

Scourge:pulls out a gun*

Raziel:senses are tingling and jumps into a tree*Wow that felt like I was Spiderman.

Scourge:Why you- DIE ALREADY!!! (keeps firing bullets at him)

Raziel:deflects em with godlike speed*Miss me <3

Scourge:runs out of ammo*Oh no

Raziel:Looks like you're out of rounds to shoot. HITSEN MITSURUGI STYLE, RYU TSUI SEN (jumps up really high, takes out his sword and drop slashes Scourge but only leaves a small wound, not fatal)

Scourge:falls to the ground*Why? Why didn't you finish me?

Raziel:We're not alike. I'm not an animal like you. Better get to a hospital if you wanna live.

Scourge:Curse you Raziel!

Raziel:I am already cursed. So good luck cursing me again.


Raziel:walks away with a sympathetic look*I pity that kid. But not everyone is a pure person by heart.

I walked back home to the others and went to my room for the rest of the night. I wasn't hurt during a 1 on 2 fight so thank God for that. Although my head had started throbbing from the last scream Scoruge gave out. I'll admit, it was freaking loud on my end. My sense are heightened during my fights so it sounded like an electric guitar on a 100 ft. speaker turned up all the way with my ears rested on the speaker and somebody played their lowest note to my ears. I didn't bother leaving the room to get medicine considering I was already tired. Then I get an unexpected visit from someone. At least it was a friend.

Sonic:Hey champ. How you hanging?

Raziel:I'm fine. My head hurts badly but I'm ok to say the least. Though I gonna have trouble sleeping tonight. I can't sleep when I have a headache. Trust me, it's the worst.

Sonic:Well why don't you get some medicine?

Raziel:I don't feel like getting up to be honest.

Sonic:Yeah but you had a long day. Go get yourself some will ya?

Raziel:Well alright. Don't mess with my things or you're dead.

Sonic:Hey relax. It's your pal Sonic.

Raziel:walks off to the bathroom*Now where is it. Ah there it is. (takes some aspirin for the headache) Hopefully this kicks in before I go to bed.


Raziel:I'll be fine now that I got something for the headache.

Sonic:Well I'm going to bed. Night Raziel.

Raziel:Night Sonic. (falls asleep after half an hour)

Cosmo:quietly sneaks in and cuddles with Raziel after giving him a quick kiss on the forehead*You're a strong person Razi. I saw everything. You stood up to those jerks and showed who's boss even when the odds weren't in your favor. Night my love. (Falls asleep)

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