Chapter 21

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**Please look at the inspiration photos I have of Michael, as attached above! Also, it's worth noting that these are only photos that remind me of Michael, especially the left one. If you imagined him differently, that is totally okay! I am not saying he looks exactly like the photos. Just thought I'd share a visual that reminds me kind of how I picture him =) Thanks for your voting and feedback!

        My date night with Michael was about as basic as date nights could get, for which I was actually pretty grateful, considering some of the past dates I had been on with him. After he had picked me up from my apartment, we drove to a cozy little restaurant on the outskirts of town for dinner, then to see a gory slasher film that Michael wanted to see much more than I did. Just like every time, Michael insisted he pay for everything, so letting him enjoy the blood-fest was the least I could do.
        Glancing over at him from my cushy seat in the cinema, the bright light from the giant screen illuminating his face, I almost found it endearing at how rapt his attention was on the silly movie. Or maybe it was how sharp he looked tonight. Michael never usually dressed up, but for this occasion he was wearing dark grey dress slacks that were neatly pressed, and an even crisper button-down shirt. The periwinkle fabric lay across his broad chest nicely, in a way that definitely gave a hint to the build that was beneath, and tapered down towards his waist in the same manner. I had to admit, with his glossy black dress shoes and hefty watch completing the ensemble, he was definitely turning more than a few heads.
         Tonight he had opted not to shave, and dark stubble shaded his strong jaw. It made him look even more rugged than normal, with his dark, thick eyebrows and eyes the color of coal. His shaggy brown mane was left un-styled and fell loose, the wavy strands stopping just at his jaw. He hadn't noticed me staring at him, too engrossed in a brutal murder scene, and I didn't even realize my thoughts had wandered completely as I gazed at his countenance. My mind seemed to go slack, and reality blurred as blonde, sandy curls slowly replaced Michael's dark hair, and his skin paled about six shades. The dark brown eyes I had become so accustomed to brightened to a brilliant, icy blue, as striking as an arctic glacier, and fixed me with a familiar steely glare. No facial hair marred the flawless, stony face of Avery, and my heart leapt into my throat as I sharply leaned back as far as my seat would allow. A split second later, it was once again Michael who was turned towards me, immediate concern crossing his normal features. Yes, it truly was him, and he looked his old self again.
         I shook my head to dismiss his worry, and forced a small smile. My date returned it, then looked back to the screen while grabbing a handful of popcorn. Thankfully he was none the wiser, but I had to grip the bottom hem of my dress to control my shaking hands. Why had I just imagined Avery's face in place of my boyfriend's? I sure as hell hadn't been thinking of the vampire, but somehow, his likeness had slipped into my distracted thoughts.
         Suddenly uncomfortable, I shifted in my seat, no longer finding it as cushy as it had been. The mad vampire had to have been behind that, somehow. I surely wouldn't fantasize about his cruel face on my own, especially not when out on a date with someone leaps and bounds more compassionate than him. A loud shriek brought my attention back to the film in front of me, and for once I was thankful to see a doomed teenager running through dark woods. At least I couldn't imagine Avery's face in place of a screaming teenage girl's.


         After the film, it wasn't a long drive to Michael's house. At first I thought he was going to take me to my own apartment, but after a few wrong turns, it became quite apparent that that was not where we were going. I gave Michael a questioning glance as he pulled into the driveway of the Ex-Bachelor House, not seeing my brother's vehicle anywhere.
         "Don't worry, I asked Andrew and Gabe to clear out for the evening, so we can spend time together, without interruptions."
         Michael didn't speak that sentence in a particularly devious way, but I still swallowed down the lump that had just formed in my throat. Andrew must have trusted Michael more than I realized, for him to leave his sister home alone with a date.
         Not just any date.
         The pesky voice in the back of my mind reminded me, and I grudgingly had to agree. Michael was second in command, a Beta wolf. He was my brother's best friend, and his confidante. In pack hierarchy, Andrew was the leader, the Alpha, and should anything ever happen to him, Michael would take control of the pack and my brother's position. I knew their bond was strong, and it was undoubtedly why Andrew trusted Michael with my safety, and my heart.
         "When will they be back?" With shame, I realized my question had sounded a bit too hopeful. If Michael noticed, he thankfully didn't let on.
         "Not for several hours. It's only 10:30, and I asked them to stay out until well past midnight." Michael beamed at me as he pointed to the glowing clock set into his dashboard, then turned the key and killed the engine.
         "Let's go inside! I've been dying to get you alone!"
         I suppressed a shudder at his words, even though he sounded more excited than a child at a country fair. This was Michael! Realistically, I had nothing to worry about, despite the knot in my stomach telling me otherwise, while I shut the car door and began following him towards his house.

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