Chapter 13

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        The days until my meeting with Avery ticked by like the minutes on a death clock, going by agonizingly slow but much too fast at the same time. I was so terrified today would be the last time I ever saw freedom that my mind was silently saying goodbye to all the people in my life. Currently, with a little less than half an hour until show time in the library, I was sitting on my couch, worrying a nail while a show about Meerkats droned on in the background. Of course, the program was effectively blocked out by a big wall of worry, one that had been in place ever since I agreed to Avery's plan two days ago.

        People had noticed my distraction all day, but mercifully kept quiet about it. Shelly tried to get more than a sentence out of me in a way that was reminiscent of pulling teeth, and I had to turn Michael's offer of a date tonight down, effectively bringing on the hurt. But he recovered and hid it to the best of his ability, then suggested we go out tomorrow night. That I could agree on, if I was miraculously somehow still around. So with my stomach tying itself into knots and my head hurting obsessively, I continually checked the time on my phone, watching it speed up and rush me right into Avery's waiting claws. Couldn't some natural disaster have occurred while I was sitting there, forcing Oak Ridge to be evacuated... Forever?

No such luck, Abby.

* * *

        The library was brightly lit and heavily populated when I arrived. I ardently hoped that meant less chance of me getting kidnapped.

Teachers, students and library staff all mingled around, doing their respective duties. It surprised me that even at eight-thirty at night this place was packed, but my surprise quickly melted into anxiety as I realized one flaw: I had no clue where Avery was. There were so many people around and the library so big, it would be near impossible to try and find him in here. I guess I just assumed he would be waiting here for me, inside the front doors.
Upstairs, Abigail.
I jumped as his voice sounded loud and clear right next to me, but before I even whipped around to look I knew he was in my head. Thankfully no one saw the solo panic I just executed, being too busy in their own affairs to notice a lone girl loitering by the doors.
Come up the stairs to your left and then walk down the aisle opposite. There are a bunch of desks tucked away behind the shelves.
That locale sounded awfully suspicious, but I just hunched my shoulders up to reposition my backpack and started ascending the stairs, because spending any more time where I was probably seemed suspicious, too.

         I had never been inside NIU's library before, but it was a sight to behold. My eyes traveled all over, taking in my magnificent surroundings. Right as I entered one of the several glass doors marking the entrance, a huge open space extended as far back as I could tell. To the left was the checkout counter and a black stone staircase leading behind a wall, and to the right was a vast forest of books, magazines and other research materials; the many rows periodically dotted with wooden tables and chairs. All around was a color scheme of rich golds and reds, which made sense because those were the school's colors. And directly ahead of me was a shiny black floor, reflecting off the lights from above and cutting the room in two. It lead to another staircase and the back of the library, wherever that was, while also providing an interesting contrast to the goldenrod carpets on either side of it. Intriguing design didn't even begin to cover it.

         It was more of the same upstairs, only the floor cut into two sides, leaving a giant hole in the center that looked down upon the first level. More rooms, tables and computers laid interspersed among book shelves, and I tried to remember Avery's directions as I walked towards the side I thought he'd be on.
        As I went, the sight of every table filled up eased my nerves a little, confirming the earlier hope that I'd be surrounded by witnesses. And then I saw him. Alone at a square table with books and papers all over it, fake glasses on and shoulder-length hair up in a ponytail. Without restraint, a giant wave of fear and hatred rose up in me, stopping me in my tracks and making my eyes water. What was I doing? This was the man who held me down almost once a week at Brooks County and forcibly drank my blood, and to top it all off, changed the pills in the dispensary so no one would get better! He was a true sociopath, no sense of right or wrong with just a touch of crazy to add to his problems, and here I was, about to willingly let him tutor me! Pure horror seized my body and I turned to run, but I didn't get the chance.
His voice rang through my head, sharp and firm, with just the right edge to let me know it was a warning. I was trapped. Slowly I faced the other direction and saw Avery's burning stare pointed right at me, but no one else seemed to notice. There was a rather round boy sitting a few feet away and another one behind Avery, typing away on his laptop. Neither one looked up or paid any mind to the trembling girl with a death grip on her backpack straps.
I already told you I have no plans to do anything. You can either sit down and get help or run away. No one's stopping you.
Avery's bright brown eyes never left my own as he spoke inside my head, and I reluctantly realized he was right. I was only trapped by my own fear and found I could move whenever I wanted to. That fear soon turned to anger, though, when it hit me how Avery had spoken, and my fists clenched hard before I marched up to the table.
Pulling out the only other chair available, I put on my most disgusted look and decided to give the mental communication thing a shot, even though I had no clue how it worked.
How can you make running away sound like a crime? Who the hell wouldn't want to run away after what you did? The only reason I'm here today is because I pretty much have no other options left! So stop being a jerk and let's get this over with.
I felt my face flush while I reached into my bag and got out the book we were working on, not brave enough to look into Avery's eyes.

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