Chapter 20- The Vampire's Terror

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****BONUS CHAPTER!!!!**** I wasn't originally going to include this chapter, but I was inspired. I am almost done writing the next, regular chapter, but in the meantime, have this special one... It is... A bit different from what I usually write. >=) And as always, please feel free to comment!


        It was dark in Abigail's apartment. No, not just dark, it would be pitch black to the human eye. But to me, I could see everything. Bumping into walls, counters, or furniture was not a concern as I silently stalked through her living room, and into the hallway.     As big as I was, by all rights my footsteps should have made at least some noise. But whenever I didn't want them to, whenever I was hunting, I effortlessly made no sound.
        It was one of the many perks that came with me being what I was. Senses heightened to a degree no human could comprehend; sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Every supernatural ability we had aided us in finding and capturing our prey, and I relished nearly every moment of the hunt.
        Currently, even outside of Abigail's bedroom, I could hear her heart beat a slow and steady rhythm, and the soft sound of her exhaling through her nose. She was deeply asleep, but not for long. My teeth, especially my canines, tingled inside my mouth, sharp and ready to do what they did best. The moment I set foot inside Abigail's apartment, my teeth had lengthened and sharpened in response to her overwhelming scent. She smelled sweet, almost like pure vanilla, but it could not be accurately described. And her scent was everywhere. I couldn't help but instinctively sniff the air, over and over again, the closer I got to her bedroom. My eyes burned, and I knew they had taken on the startling blood red color that came along with anger or hunger. I had put off feeding for a while for this exact moment. Her blood would be much more satisfying, this way.

        Finally, I entered Abigail's bedroom. She slept with her door open, of course, since she resided alone. There was no need for privacy. Her room was conservatively furnished. A bed sat up against the far wall, and there was really only a dresser and a nightstand to compliment it. Her curtains were gauzy white, but the blinds drawn beneath them effectively shut out most of the lights from outside. As it was, her room was still nearly pitch black. She wouldn't be able to see a foot in front of her face.
        Still creeping slowly and silently towards the side of her bed, my eyes never left her sleeping form. She was splayed out almost like a dropped marionette doll, arms and legs askew. She had kicked off her pillowy white comforter, and was clad only in a skimpy pink tank-top and matching underwear. Every part of my body was hard and tense at this moment, as my lips curled up in a harsh grin. I was beyond eager to sink my teeth into her flesh, to taste the indescribable liquid that coursed through her veins. And she had so much pale, exposed flesh for me to choose from.
        Her head was turned to the side on her pillow, flaming red curls splayed out against it like a warped fan. Her long neck lay exposed, while her serene face was turned towards me, now leaning over the side of the bed. So deeply asleep she was, that she had no idea the worst kind of predator was in her bedroom, about to strike.
        Her breathing was still soft, and her heartbeat hadn't changed rhythm at all. She looked like the most peaceful angel I had ever laid monstrous eyes upon, and I simultaneously wanted to wreak havoc upon her body and take her for my own. I was warring with my inner beast, desiring many things at once. But I knew one thing for certain: Tonight, no matter the outcome, I was going to have her blood.

        A low growl vibrated through me and rumbled up from my chest, until I felt it in my throat and every inch of my body. I would try to be gentle, I would try to hold back. But the more base part of me craved death, depravity, and destruction. And it wanted it from this woman, more than anything.
        Painfully slow, I bent down and over Abigail's waiting throat, swinging my right leg up and planting my knee on the outside of her naked leg. I had braced my opposite hand on her wooden headboard, trying very hard not to apply too much pressure, lest I rip off a chunk and startle my intended prey awake before I was ready. In the span of a heartbeat, I was crouched over Abigail's prone form, on all fours, hovering just over her body but not touching it. She must not have registered the pressure of something pressing down on her mattress, as she didn't even stir.
        Nearly trembling with hunger, I lowered myself down even further, so that my mouth was mere centimeters above Abigail's smooth throat. The thump of her pulse and the whoosh of the blood being forced through her veins was nearly deafening now, and thick saliva fully coated all of my teeth. Nothing but her scent, the sounds of my nourishment, and the sensation of my intense hunger registered in my focused bestial brain. Every cell in my body felt tense and strained, eager to have me strike and open up the vessels that carried red life. I felt like I was going to explode into millions of tiny fragments from the power shooting through my limbs. Restraint wasn't my strong point.

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