Arella's P.O.V.                                                               

Hi there! I'm Arella. I have 3 other sisters. Their names are Amelia, Averi and Anaya. I'm the oldest. We were all born exactly 8 minutes apart. Me first, then Averi, Amelia and then Anaya. Oh, I forgot to mention, we're all part animal! Averi is half cat, Amelia is half wolf and Anaya is half bird. But weird thing about me, I'm part wolf and bird. My Wolf is silver and my Bird is a dove, but everyone else has black and brown animals. We can all Change into our animals, or if we're half bird we can just have our wings out, and if you're part wolf or another animal with fangs you can just have your fangs out. It doesn't really matter. Most stay in their human form with additional animal parts, like the Cat's ears. But we Change when we're attacked or threatened or feel like Changing. I have one other friend. He's part wolf and bird like me, but his Wolf and Bird are black and gold. No one knows what his Bird is. His name is Emilio. Emilio doesn't have siblings. A woman can only give birth once, and it is always to twins or triplets or quadruplets, like me and my sisters, but he was born alone. The first time I saw him, he was getting teased by a boy named Darius and his brothers, his 2 other brothers were Dorian and Dustin. Darius was half lion, Dorian was half wolf and Dustin was half eagle. All their Animals were vicious, and so were they. Darius was shouting

"Don't have any sisters to protect you, do you Emily?" Siblings stay together, protect each other, mine gave me the boot.

Emilio simply replied "My name is Emilio, not Emily. Now, if you would please get out of the way, I need to get to class." Dustin laughed and whispered something in Dorian's ear, he nodded and said

"No thank you Emily, our animals actually need to train defense, would you care to be our punching-bag?" Before Emilio could let out a simple reply, I sprung into action.

I Changed into my Wolf, bared my fangs, spread my wings and jumped in front of them. I yelled

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!' I growled after taking them out of their shock. They Changed and attacked us.

After an hour of clawing, biting and punching the shit out of us, they got bored and said

"Next time you should really stand up for yourself instead of getting your girlfriend hurt." Then they looked towards me and Dustin took my chin between his forefinger and thumb, tilting my head upwards.

"Such a shame, you were so pretty." He sighed, Then they all laughed and walked away. I turned to Emilio

"Hi, I'm Arella."

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