Chapter 1- Discovered

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Just a little while longer. Just a little while longer until the yelling and screaming would stop. With advanced hearing it felt like someone was stabbing him in the head

To recap, the good news is that Mr.Stark had given him his suit back. The bad news, however, his aunt saw him in it.

"WHAT THE FUCK! PETER BENJAMIN PARKER IS THIS FOR REAL! May yelled not giving Peter a chance to answer.

"May plea-" He was cut off. "Peter! I specifically told you to stay away from danger! You had ONE job!" Her voice was getting louder and louder every word.

Honestly, it was scary, seeing May like this. She'd been mad at him before, but this, this was a whole new level. He knew she wouldn't be mad at him forever. That she was just heated right now. Until things escalated. 

She said the words Peter always feared she was thinking but refused to say.

"I wish I never took you in." she continued "I'm done! First you keep sneaking out, your school keeps calling me about you missing classes. I have to take off work to take care of you. I didn't sign up for this! I cant handle it anymore"

That hurt, Peter thought. Than it hit him, he was trapped here. She wouldn't let him speak, she was crushing him, burying him, over and over again. It reminded him of being crushed under the rubble. Thinking he was going to die. Not being able to breath or move. He could still hear his aunt yelling but he couldn't focus on it. It was almost muffled. He couldn't focus on anything, everything was beginning to blur. His head was spinning and the world around him seemed to be out of focus.

He heard his A.I, Karen say something about his vitals being to high, something about Mr. Stark? No, That couldn't be right, he wasn't injured. He was just scared. Mr. Stark wouldn't care about that. She had to be mistaken, it flew out of his mind when the feeling of being crushed came back, flooding into his brain.

He couldn't feel anything besides being trapped.

"Peter. PETER! Dear GOD! Now you won't even listen to me? Are you kidding me? I bend over backwards to give you cloths on your back, food in your belly and a roof over your head and this is how you repay me? I'm done! I'M DONE! She was still getting louder. Peter didn't even know that was possible at this point, her screams were already ear piercing.

Peter covered his ears in an attempt to tune her out. His face was scrunched and eyebrows furrowed. Apparently May took this as a way of him trying to ignore her. She didn't like that very much.

"SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU KIDDING? LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW!" She threw a plate she found on the table next to her to the ground in rage. She didn't realize what she's done until it was too late.

When the plate lands glass skidded across the floor. One of the particularly larger chunks of the plate went right into Peter Parker foot.

It didn't hurt all that much, he'd faced much worse than this on patrol, but this was different. It was the fact that someone he cared about so much had done this. He didn't know what he did so wrong for things to elevate this far. He just wanted to help people. 

"I'm sorry"

May was shocked. She didn't mean to hurt her nephew, she was just mad. Overcome with rage. As soon as she saw his face all the anger left her body. She was flooded with worry, guilt, and concern.

"Peter I-"

Knock. Knock.

They both looked up to the door of their apartment in record time. Who would be here? Maybe one of the neighbors heard the yelling and came to check. Than he remembered what Karen has said.

Mr. Stark.

Oh no. Oh nononono. Not now, please not now Peter mentally pleaded. He couldn't let Mr. Stark see him like this. His silent tears had stained his cheeks and he was really beginning to feel the cut on his foot. When he looked down he saw some of the blood leaking from his suit and onto the floor.

"Hello? May? Peter?" Tony spoke through the door.

May looked at Peter with eyes that showed not only anger, but fear. Peter knew she would get in trouble for this. He didn't want to have to leave his aunt, she was all he had left.

May broke the silence while walking to the door. She whispered to Peter

"Go sit in your room and put a pillow or something on your foot"

Her words were frantic, her panic was evident in her voice.


Peter did the best he could do hobble into his room with the would still oozing letting out small whimpers every few steps when the pain became too much to ignore. He wanted anything more than to pull the shard out of his foot but he knew he shouldn't, if he didn't do it right it would only cause more bleeding and he was in no place to have that right now. He made it into his room and shut the door making an uncomfortable plop as he sat on his bed.

Once May saw that Peter was closed up in his room she scrambled to clean up the glass as by sweeping it up in solid ten seconds. Which, given other circumstances would have been impressive. She walked to the door and laid a shaky hand on the door knob. She took a short breath to collect herself and opened the door changing her entire persona.

"Oh hello Tony, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?"

Tony's eyes showed slight panic but he hid it well.  All he knew is that Peters heart and blood pressure spiked and were still rising, and that he was in this apartment . Unknowing of May's New-found knowledge of spiderman. He lied.

"Oh I just thought I would drop by and say hello, wanted to check on my favorite intern." He said with one of his signature paparazzi smiles.

"Umm sure?" May said with question in her voice.

How was he here!

Why was he here!

Did he know...

 Mays thoughts came rushing into her head. He couldn't find out about what she had done. Of course she felt bad, but she also knew she sure as hell couldn't have Peter taken away. She should probably treat his wound but she figured he could figure it out on his own, being spiderman and all. Which she was still not  happy about that.

When Tony stepped into the apartment the first thing he noticed was that Peter wasn't visible. Than he noticed something else, the blood on the floor.

It was fresh.

"May" he said in a lower, more serious tone than usual. "Wheres Peter?"

A/N - THANK YOU FOR READING! PLEASE VOTE AND LEAVE A COMMENT!!! I've been wanting to start writing irondad fanfiction for so long I love Peter and Tonys dynamic so much! So here we are! also guys this is gonna have so much angst yall best be ready. HOPE YOU ENJOY

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