Chapter Three

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"No one really know what happens on the other side"


"Fucking hELL ,, pick up the god damn phone" i yelled and slammed my phone against the wooden coffee table.

Everyone had been gone for around a good 2-3 hours ,, i started to get a little concerned ,, so i decided to text and call them.

I later came to find that most had left their phones or they didn't have it charged. Only Jimin's phone wasn't there and i was positive it was charged ,, so i began spamming.

He wasn't responding ,, and i couldn't help but become stressed. What was worse was that we had to start school the next day and stay there until the end of the year due to a mission that our boss had given us.

We had planned to talk about it tonight ,, but i guess we got called in while i was asleep.

They probably didn't want to disturb me.

As i was thinking ,, running my hands through my hair ,, i heard the door open and all of them rush in and panting for air.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" i yelled getting up from the couch and started noticing some of them had blood on their face.

"We got called in and had to fight someone ,, who was really good as you can tell." Taehyung responded pointing to his busted lip.

"After they beat the shit out of us ,, we heard the police sirens so we started running as fast as we could " Jungkook continued.

"yAh ,, watch your profanity" Jin scolded the younger one who was still out of breath.

"Was this only one person ?" I asked a little confused.

"Yep ,, just ONE person" Jungkook yelled out

"Okay ,, well Jimin why weren't you picking up your god damn phone ,, i kept trying to reach you but you weren't responding" Jimin sighed

"Hyung ,, i thought i told you ,, i got a  new phone so i changed my number ,, don't you remember ?"


"Fuck ,, then I've been texting a wrong number"

All of them stopped cleaning themselves and looked up at me ,, until Namjoon interrupted.

"All right ,, let all sit down and talk about tomorrow ,, we don't wanna screw anything up." he said in serious tone and we all nodded in agreement.

A couple minutes went by and i felt my phone vibrate from one of my pockets. I quickly picked it up wondering if it had been the person i was spamming ,, and sure enough it was.

I don't wanna have to deal with this right now ,, but then again i am curious

I then eagerly picked up my phone canceling out the conversation about school.

[unknown number] : sorry bro but i think you have the wrong number ? :/

[me] : yeah sorry about that ,, and for my language ,, haha

[unknown number] : no it's fine ,, i would get pretty pissed too if someone didn't respond to me after i messaged them a lot

[me] : Yeah it sucks ,, i thought this was my friends number but he just told me he changed it

[unknown number] : oH that makes more sense ,, haha

[me] : yeah ,, so again I'm sorry for bothering you and saying those things :/

[unknown number] : oh that fine ,, no need to apologize ,, i was actually getting bOrEd and lonely so at least this happened ,, haha

[me] : you were lonely ?

[unknown number] : yeah ,, i mean i still am but texting you has been a little distraction to get my mind off some things ,, but i don't want to trouble you with mY issues :)


The person and i had been texting every few minutes or so which made it seem like we'd been texting for some time. Though I started feeling bad if I'd just leave that person feeling lonely ,, i mean I've been there before ,, it wasn't fun. Even if it the smallest thing of feeling lonely its ,, sad.

Shit ,, am i doing this ?

Yep ,, i am

[me] : Oh well ,, in that case ,, don't worry I'll keep you company as long as you need ,, call me Suga :)

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