Chapter 1

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michael looks around the crowded airport. he sees people in suits rushing, probably late for some meeting, and others hug family members with tears in their eyes. michael wonders if his brother even cares that he left or if he even noticed but then he stops and thinks, no of course he doesn't. why would he? he barely stuck around to raise him.

"michael?" the lilac boy's head shoots up and he meets the hazel eyes of his best friend approaching him and smiles ever so slightly. ashton wraps him in a hug, the amount of his muscle almost crushing the younger in a tight hug.

"hey, ash, it's good to see you after so long." michael says with a small smile upon his lips.

"same here mate, i missed you." ashton smiles and michael notices how much he's changed. he has built up a seriously great amount of muscle mass since the last time they had seen each other, and michael, well michael hasn't changed much except the excessive amount of weight loss and the fact that he looks small, quiet, and unlike himself. "lovin' the crown, mikey. suites you." he smiles and michael blushes and thanks him quietly and jumps when he hear shouting near the gate he had just emerged. a woman was yelling and screaming at what looked like her daughter. she was being so abusive, screaming that she shouldn't have returned and it just reminded michael of his father from when he was young, how he would scream at his son, telling him how worthless he was and bashing his head into the wall and the tables and just any object he could. That's how michael came to develop bipolar disorder and extreme anger issues causing him to lash out at unknown times, especially if he hadn't taken his medication that day. he usually doesnt. he doesn't want to be treated like a freak.

"mikey, let's go." ashton pulls on the younger boy's arm and leads him to the baggage claim, leaving the mother to scream at her child. the two boys walk to the baggage claim to retrieve michael's luggage. they spot it quickly, and no, it wasn't the one with flowers on it, it was navy blue and only one. michael only had one bag to move in with ashton. he never had many things, he had clothes, a crummy flip phone and its charger, flower crowns and every now and then he would scrape up enough money to buy some hair dye. his newest color is lilac purple and he likes this one best so he's going to keep it for a while.

ashton leads his friend out to his car and they throw his suitcase in the back of his old red ford truck with peeling paint and a dented bumper before they drive off in the direction of their apartment.

michael looks out of his window that he notices is open just a little at the top. the wind finds it's way in and rushes through michael's hair and ruffles the petals of his flower crown. he only smiles in delight because he simply adores the feeling, it reminds him of his mother running her fingers through his hair when michael was younger. his eyes close in satisfaction at the feeling of the cool breeze until the truck come to a slow stop.

"we're here." ashton smiles at his lilac friend and they both exit the vehicle. michael retrieves his bag from the back and follows his friend towards his new home. once they enter the apartment it's all dark making michael confused until ashton turns on the lights and they're greeted by a couple of people and a small sign hanging from the ceiling saying 'welcome home mikey!' in big pink letters. michael's cheeks were glowing even though there were only two people there for him, including ashton. the tan boy throws a handful of confetti and throws his arms around michael.

"mikey!!" he shrieks, hugging him close. "it's good to have you back." he pulls away from the short hug and smiles at the pale boy. michael typically doesn't enjoy hugs from people, but he didn't quite have enough time to hate it since it was so short.

"nice to see you, cal." michael clenches his jaw and his biceps tense at the sight- or should he say lack of sight of luke.

"luke had an art show to go to, he couldn't make it he said it was really important." calum explains, noticing the slight tension in his old friend's features.

"k." michael mumbles, and suddenly he's got a headache, a pounding that just attacked his skull, but he chooses to ignore it and asks where his room is so he can put his bag away.

"it's the first door on the right, directly across from the bathroom." ashton explains and michael nods, dragging his bag down the hall and throwing open the door and leaving his bag at the foot of the bed. he wants to stay there and sleep the rest of the night, but he knows he cannot because the party is for him and it would be rude to leave like that. so he emerges from his room and walks down the hall to meet his two friends again.

"we ordered a pizza." ashton grins at his friend who only smiles weakly and nods, tugging on the sleeves of his jumper.

"great. i love pizza." he mumbles through gritted teeth and wears his best fake smile to seal the deal. the two boys thought nothing of it and nodded along as the room fell into an awkward silence.

"let's play some tunes." calum suggested and michael nearly rolls his eyes when he says tunes, such an oldie. but michael doesn't object when guns 'n roses start playing through his ihome and actually hums along to it.

"so, how was sydney?" ashton speaks up after a few minutes and michael shrugs.

"it was okay." he mumbles, not really wanting to speak of the subject because he had too many bad memories that seemed to overcome the good ones.

"just okay? how's your mom? your brother?" ashton asks and michael clenches his fists behind his back because he really really didn't want to talk about it.

"she's fine. he's fine. everyone is fine." he simply lies through his teeth. he doesn't want to talk about his mother and he doesn't want to talk about his brother's abuse. he just doesn't want to talk.

"well, that's good." ashton seems to take the hint and it falls silent again until the doorbell rings. it must be the pizza. michael really doesn't want any pizza. he isn't hungry, he's got no appetite, planes make him nauseous, he just doesn't want any food whatsoever. calum answers the door as well as pays the delivery boy and sets the pizza on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"dig in." he motions to the box but nobody moves. the smell is so inviting and michael's stomach growls but he just doesn't want any. ashton is the first to make a move towards the pizza, he opens the box and takes a slice for himself and then motions for his lilac friend to take one, which he does. they eat in awkward silence, michael is barely touching his piece and discretely throws it away when nobody is looking. not long after their awkward party michael announces that he's exhausted and wants to sleep and the other two agree, so calum leaves with a hug goodbye to ashton and a wave to michael.

"i'm going to bed. see you in the morning, ash." michael walks upstairs without another word and goes into his room, closing the door behind him. he crawls into his bed and burrows his head in the unfamiliar pillow, and curls up in the unfamiliar com for ter.


Hey it's aNOTHER new fanfic cause I have no life as i have mentioned in my other ones so

I hope you like this one.

I'm putting this up until one of my other fics end and then I'll start updating it..Good Boy will most likely be the first to end..

I want to try something, I'll do it on all my fics. I want everyone to do this.

1. Put your playlist on shuffle.

2.list the first ten songs and no cheating

3. I have my list, the person with the most songs in common with me gets next dedication

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