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"Draco, your six o'clock" said Pansy as she nudged Draco's shoulder with her elbow.
"Merlin's beard Parkinson" hissed Draco at the un welcomed nudge.
Pansy rolled her eyes at him. Nothing new she reckoned.
"Potter!" Draco mouthed as he looked at the guy entering the class. His heart started pounding against his chest.
There he was. The almighty saviour of the world and his two efficient sidekicks. That weasel and bloody granger. He still didn't know how to be like a celebrity. What was with that oversized shirt and the almost drooping pant? Did he even know that tailors existed? And he didn't even wanted to get started on his hair. Was there even the word combing in his dictionary? For Merlin's sake! If it weren't for the scar and those stupid glasses, no one would even know he was Potter. But then he wouldn't even be Potter. Draco mumbled to himself staring right at him. Harry's head suddenly jerked from Ron's whispering. He looked straight at Draco, catching him off guard.
Those dazzling green eyes.
Draco jerked his face away from Harry's. His heart pounding.
Dazzling? Dazzling? That is bloody Potter for Merlin's sake! What was he thinking. Draco felt the warmth creep to his cheeks as his hands balled into fists. Through the corner of his eye, he could see the oncoming figure towards him.
No. No. Not now. he thought to himself.
"Umm.. hey Draco." Harry's voice was dangerously close to him. Draco took a deep breath to compose himself.
"Potter" He said as he turned towards him.
So bloody close, thought Draco. He somewhat felt relieved he was sitting on the chair for he wasn't sure his legs had the strength to hold him up anymore.
Those dazzling green eyes. Shut it Draco.
"Hey.. I was wondering if I could talk to you" said Harry "Alone" as his eyes darted over Pansy and Blaise.
Draco felt guilty about the euphoria that he felt on his gut. Unpleasant about that how it felt so pleasant. He stood up.
"I have no whatsoever desire to talk with you, Potter" He said striding past him, walking towards the entrance.
Harry's face flushed as a bewildered Pansy and Blaise followed after Draco.
"Bloody hell!" Ron's voice approached Harry from behind "What is with that bloke! Harry was just trying to be nice"
Harry felt Hermione's hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay Harry. Maybe being friends with you is just not his cup of tea" she paused to look at the entrance "you should just let it go" she said.
Harry felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. A crumbling heave in his chest.

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