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this took so long to write!!! omg!! i ended up making this up to 18k words

anyGAYS i saw the shipping of lance and kinkade and thought it was so cute so i thought i'd do something about these two but i love klance too much sooooo this came out

cover by captainlumin


The battle against Sendak had been hard, way too hard. It had caused way too many casualties and destruction, it had taken away so much from everybody. Team Voltron had given everything they had, along with the MFE Fighters and the Atlas Team, they had even been ready to give out their own lives if that meant saving the Earth and its inhabitants, whom they valued dearly. They all had family and friends they'd die for. And then it was all over. Sendak was gone, the druid that came out of nowhere, after a long and hard battle, was also gone, and they were all left to recover and slowly move on.

Out of everyone who fought in the war against Sendak, Team Voltron had taken the worse hit, leaving them completely drained and hurt, so they'd spent weeks at the hospital, healing and recovering from the battle. It wasn't that bad, friends and family would come to visit them, even people from the Garrison came to congratulate them on their great work at the battle, and it was also kind of rewarding to see themselves on the news as national –worldwide– heroes. Of course, they never did none of that for the fame and the gratitude, but it was heart-warming to see people be so proud of them.

In the most part, if you ignored the injuries, their stay at the hospital was good, it even allowed them to bound as a team –as friends. It let them time to have long conversations and more trivial ones, and even to play games together whenever they met in one of the rooms of one of the members of Voltron or in the common room of the hospital, where patients who weren't that seriously ill or injured could stay during certain hours of the day, so they wouldn't be boringly confined in their hospital room. Coran had even brought them a Monsters and Mana game, god knows where it came from, since everybody thought it had been lost along with the Castle of Lions, but everyone was very happy to see the game again and be able to play it. Keith, who hadn't been there the first time they played it, couldn't understand all the enthusiasm at first, but it only took him a bit of playing to love the game just as much as everyone else. In fact, the game even caught the interest of other patients at the hospital, so it ended up staying at the common room so that more people could enjoy it. When they finally left the hospital, it was hard to let go, since they had played numerous rounds while staying there, but it would do more good to those people.

And then, after weeks at the hospital, hurt but having so much fun –the most fun they had had in months, since they were finally able to relax and take things slow– they were sent back to the Garrison. There was still so much work to do, everyone was working to get Earth to be what it used to be, they needed to reconstruct it but also protect it.

And that's exactly how the MFE Fighters and the Voltron team ended up assigned together; they had to eliminate all of the galra drones that still remained on Earth to keep its population safe. It seemed simple and logic to have both teams working together to secure Earth, after all, they had all battled on the war against Sendak; but maybe it wasn't going to be that simple for them all to collaborate and work together. They weren't on such bad terms, but they weren't on good terms either.

"Listen," Keith had said, when they were all reunited in one of the conference rooms of the Garrison, taking his usual position as the leader of Voltron. "it's not as if we all like each other very much, but these are orders and we don't have any other but to obey them."

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