the boarding school AU Thing

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Brendon twisted the strap of his bag nervously. Today was the day they got new roommates. Also a new room, since they where moving up to Junior year, which for some inexplicable reason made it nessicary to change the rooms, and oh, god, Brendon was not prepared for this. 

Also, it didn't help that the fucking sadists at the office made it so that new roommates where secret until you moved in and met th new guy. Or girl, but only if you where, y'know. Another girl. Brendon mentally shook himself out, then physically shook himself out, because why not?  

Then he scolded himself for being a huge baby about this all. The guy couldn't be that bad. And if he was, then he'd just sleep on Spencer's couch forever. 

But what if he hated Spencer's roommate? Jesus, What if his roommate hated him? What if Spencer started hating him for stealing his couch forever- 

Brendon paused, and closed his mouth. Had he been saying this all out loud? Good thing he was rediculously early. He'd spent all of last night worrying about the exact same things, so he'd basically been awake when the sun came up. 

After another few minutes of pussy-footing back and forth, he finally opened the door, to find... An empty room. Brendon slapped his forehead, wanting to laugh, and also throw things angrily. Of course no one else was here; It was like, ass o' clock in the morning! He sighed, and began to unpack his crap, because seriously, what else was he gonna do? 


Ryan slowly blinked awake, the sun beating relentlessly onto his face. He glared at nothing, his rage being directed at a window, which was clear, thereby making it incredibly frustrating to glare at it. 

He gave up, and shuffled to his dresser, throwing on an old, white tee-shirt, hoping if he put a scarf over it it would just, work, or something. He shrugged, giving in to the fact that he was a stylistically gifted as a coked-out drag queen. Who's color blind. 

He yanked his bag over his shoulder, stifling a yawn as he glanced at the clock. 9:03. Not too bad, considering Ryan's uncanny ability to seamlessly sleep past 1:00 a.m. everyday. He hoped his roommate wouldn't mind his fucked-up sleep schedule. Scratch that, he hoped his roommate had a really goddamn annoying alarm clock. 

He struggled out of his room, glancing down at his new room number. 117, Decaydance Hall. Ryan let out a soft curse under his breath, remembering how management always tried to fuck with people by never saying who their roommates where. 

It was a dice roll of creepy people. 

Ryan pushed out of the room, Jon having already left, considering he was a normal goddamn person who left about when everyone else did. Ryan took a deep breath, and began the trek from Indie hall. 


Spencer pushed the last poster over the wall, sighing contentedly. Brendon let out an exaggerated whoop of relief. He rolled his eyes; Brendon had probably finished hours ago because he'd stayed up forever worrying about stupid stuff. Although, he'd never admit that. 

"There, asshole, I'm finally done." 

"What do you mean, 'you'? I helped!" 

"What did you do?" 

"That box, over there in the corner!" 

"The imaginary one," Spencer huffed, turning away from the wall. A soft knock at the door made Brendon jump, and sat up on Spencer's bed. He shrunk back a little, obviously worrying about something. 

Spencer hopped off the chair he was balanced on, and opened the door. A slight boy, with the most flamboyantly red scarf he'd ever seen was standing there. "Oh thank god you're not having sex or something," He breathed, looking up. "Sorry! Um, hi, I'm Ryan. I think I'm your roommate." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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