Chapter 10

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After I saw who it was I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Liam: Hey Y/N. How you doing?

Yep my no good cheating lying ex boyfriend.
Fucking great.

Y/N: What do you want Liam?
Liam: I want to know why we broke up.
Y/N: You know very well what you did.
Liam: Hmmm I don't think so.

I then see Melissa walking towards us. I smile internally since she doesn't know that I know what they did.

Melissa: Hey Y/N! Hey Liam....
Y/N: Hmm just the two people I wanted to see to start off my morning. *rolls eye*
Melissa: Y/N! Why are you being so rude.
Y/N: FUCK! I saw you two kissing ok! I saw you the day before I broke things off with Liam!

Jungkook's POV
After Y/N left to go to her locker me Tae and Jimin sat down at a table for a few minutes til we went to look for her. When we got there we heard Y/N sorta yelling at a girl and guy.

Taehyung: Isn't that Liam Y/N's ex boyfriend?
Jimin: Your right it is.
Jungkook: EX BOYFRIEND?!

When I said that we then heard.

Melissa: Y/N! Why are you being so rude.
Y/N: FUCK! I saw you two kissing ok! I saw you the day before I broke things off with Liam!

Luckily the hallway is empty. I turn to see Taehyung clenching his fists and Jimin clenching his jaw. We all approach them I put my arm around Y/N's waist lean down to kiss her neck. She's so cute she only reaches to the lower part of my chest. Y/N blushes after I kiss her neck and she turns to me and her brothers.

Y/N: How long have you guys been there?
Jimin: Enough to know that—
Liam: Wait who the hell is that guy? And why does he have his arm around Y/N's waist?!
Melissa: I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?

She talked in a seductive tone making me internally gag.
I smirked and turned Y/N around and put both my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips and she kissed back. After a few seconds we pulled away and I turned to look at her ex and the other girl what had wide eyes and their mouths open in shock.

Jungkook: My name is Jungkook. I'm her Fiancé.

Authors Note
I'll be updating later today! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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