Chapter 26

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As police officers start to invade the mansion gun shots are being fired. Jungkook takes the gun from me and starts shooting at the officers, killing a couple of them since he shot at their head. Bangtan also shot at the new officers coming in. They're shooting bullets while running through the crowd. We push people to be able to get upstairs since nobody's apparently smart enough to try to escape. Once we get upstairs we go towards a balcony in one of the rooms. Since we're high off the ground  we'll have to climb down. Jungkook climbs down first then Namjoon then Jimin.

Jungkook: Baby! Jump! I'll catch you!
Y/N: Aw hell no! What if I die?!
Jimin: Sis! Jump so we can all leave! The police are soon going to check upstairs!

They're right. I get on the ledge and turn to see the guys behind me.

Y/N: If I die.......bury me with my phone. Ain't nobody keeping my baby.

I jump hoping that Jungkook will catch me. The three guys run towards me but I land in Jungkook's arms. I turn to and see the other four guys laughing their asses off while climbing down.

Y/N: I could've just climbed down too you know.
Jungkook: Well sorry for trying to make this a bit more romantic.

I laugh. Once the eight of us are all on the ground we run towards the road. Yoongi calls the limos and they're here in about 5 minutes. We all get in and the limo's speed off towards mine and Jungkook's house. When we get there I offer the guys to stay here which they agree to. Even thought Jimin and Tae's house is like right across the street they'll still be staying with us. Jungkook gives them all pajamas so they can sleep in. They all head towards their rooms and we all go to sleep.

Next morning

Jimin's POV
Last night was wild! Oh gosh when the officers came in everyone looked like they were gonna piss their pants! Us apparently being the only intelligent ones at the party decided to escape before they arrested us. But if we did get arrested, bribing them would work. Oh wait......

I'm the only one up and it's already 9:50.

I guess I'll take it upon myself and go wake the others up.

I was exiting the room I was staying in about to wake everyone up when............

I saw Jin exiting the kitchen into the living room with two pots. He started banging the pots together while yelling:


He does it over and over again until everyone is in the living room covering their ears with their hands.

Jungkook: This is my house! Why are you waking me up?
Taehyung: I was already up playing video games so I don't really mind. *cute boxy smile that blinds us all*
Namjoon: Tae— I can't
Hoseok: I just wanted to freaking sleep! Is that so much to ask?!
Jin: Yes it is. Now get your asses to the kitchen to help me and Opal with breakfast. Except
Y/N she always helps. Unlike you all!

I smile cheekily at everyone. Jungkook looks Jungshook. He looks at me then at Jin. He does a weird movement with his arms that make him look like those balloon men outside of stores.

Jungkook: BUT WHY?!
Jin: Cause my worldwide handsome ass said so. Deal with it.

Jin walks off sassily making me laugh a little. Namjoon looks at the elder with fondness in his eyes. They'd be cute together, they basically act like a couple they just haven't made it official.

Time skip 3 months

Namjin is official bitches! I was waiting for this moment for so long! Anyway I have Jungkook and the guys over here giving me tips on how to overthrow my Mafian father, you know nothing new, just same old, same old.

Yoongi: What if we just kill him?
Hoseok: Huh?
Jin: Yeah. Huh?
Jimin: The fuck?
Yoongi: You know kill him.........?


Yoongi: He stops breathing, his heart stops beating, he's no longer—
Taehyung: We know what you mean Yoongi.
But isn't that a little too much? Y/N?
Y/N: You want my honest opinion?
Namjoon: Yeah.
Y/N: I like Yoongi's idea.


Jungkook: That's my girl!
Hoseok: Jungkook!
Jungkook: What?
Y/N: Looks like it's settled! We are going to murder my father! *smiles*


Yoongi: I'm a genius. *smirks*

Time skip to day of killing (so weird I'm sorry Lol.)

I never thought that I would be murdering my father along with my mother. Well shit happens. Shouldn't have messed with mine and my brothers life's. Me and Bangtan are all packing up weapons we need to enter my fathers mansion and well.........kill him I guess. (This shit sounds super demented I need help. Someone take me to a church or something)

Time skip to the mansion

Still Y/N's POV
Me and Bangtan are outside my Father's mansion at 2:00am what a time to be alive. Yoongi's now complaining about his lack of sleep even if he was the one who came up with the idea. But hey I'm not one to judge. We're all dressed in black, have gloves on and face masks covering the lower part of our face obviously. We climb over the gate carefully sneaking towards the target. We quietly climb in through a window. Me, Tae, and Jimin are leading everyone since we used to live here. Tonight he doesn't have guards walking around, he's just using a security system. But Hoseok hacked into it. We go towards their bedroom. We find my parents sleeping peacefully, what a shame your lives had to end so soon. I loved you guys. Loved. But I don't feel anything but pity, disgust, and despair towards you two. I nod towards Jimin giving him the signal to turn on the light. The lights go on waking the two up. Before they can scream Jin covers my mothers mouth, while Jungkook covers my fathers mouth. I pull down my face mask. So does everyone else. My parents turn to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook: What? You really thought I was going to let my wife do this alone?
Yoongi: Can we get this over with. I wanna go to sleep.

Everyone in the room including my parents turn to look at Yoongi with a 'wtf face.'

Yoongi: What?
Namjoon: Nothing. Nothing.

I get two guns putting the silencer on both of them. I load them. But I hand them to Jimin and Taehyung.

Jimin: Sis? What are you doing?
Y/N: You guys are the ones that suffered the most in this situation. You two should be the ones that pull the trigger.
Taehyung: But they forced you to marry—
Y/N: They arranged the marriage. But I'm actually glad they did. I'm married to the man I love now.
Jungkook: Aww. I love you too baby girl.

They look at each other and nod. Jin places tape on my parents mouths and Yoongi ties them up. They squirm around on their bed making incoherent noises. I stand between Jimin and Tae.

Y/N: Whenever you guys are ready.

The make eye contact before counting down.

Jimin: Three.
Taehyung: Two.
Y/N: One.

They shoot at the same time. The noise wasn't very loud only us in the room could hear it since the silencers were on. And there the bodies are. Laying limp and dead. Jungkook brings out two tubs of gasoline and starts pouring one while Namjoon pours the other. We all climb out the window. Jin gets a few more tubs of gasoline. We all start pouring gas around the mansion. Jungkook hands me a pack of matches then pecks my lips. I smile sweetly at him. I motion for my two brothers to come with me. We step a bit forward, I hand them both a match. I light up each match and we separate to throw them at the mansion. We run back towards the car before it completely bursts into flames. We all get into the van. Hoseok gets into the drivers seat and we speed off back to their base.

Authors Note
Sorry for the late update and any errors.

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