After the announcement we go back to our class. When we get to our class the teacher isn't there yet. The four of us sit in the same spots where we sat yesterday. I lean my head on Jungkook's shoulder and he puts his hand on my thigh rubbing the lower part of it and leans close to my ear and whispers.Jungkook: Is my kitten tired?
Y/N: Yes.
Jungkook: Take a quick nap it'll be at least 15 minutes til the teacher shows up.I nod and close my eyes falling asleep. I woke up to Jungkook talking to someone. Then I heard it was Liam
Jungkook: The fuck you want?
Liam: I want to talk to her.
Jungkook: All you'll do is hurt her, so I suggest you stay the hell away from her.
Liam: She was mine first! YOUR JUST AN ARRANGEMENT!At this point I was completely awake and I heard what Liam said. I bitch slapped him. Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook stood up. Jungkook grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and punched him in the face. Jimin grabbed him from the back and grabbed his arms so he wouldn't be able to move. Tae and Jungkook started to punch him and the students in the class ran out scared of what might happen. I tried to pull them off Liam but I couldn't. I grabbed Jungkook's arm.
Y/N: Baby....it's ok. He's not worth it. Your not an arrangement, at least not for me. And besides thanks to that business deal we're getting married. And I love you and only you.
He looked at me and I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed back. We pulled away and he hugged me telling me how much he loved me. Jimin was still holding Liam while screaming "I SHIP IT!" Taehyung stopped punching him and started telling us how cute we were together.
Y/N: Damn. After beating someone up how can you all be so cute?
Jimin: It just comes naturally to us. We are naturally cute.
Jungkook: Well it definitely seems like you and Jin have been hanging out a lot.Jimin let go of Liam and he fell to the floor. Jungkook yanked him up.
Jungkook: Listen Liam. I'm only gonna say this once so you better fucking listen. Stay away from my kitten. Or you'll be dead within the hour.
Liam: Y-yes I unders-stand.
Taehyung: Good now get the hell out!Liam listened to Tae and ran out of the class. We all sat down and a few minutes later the teacher walked in. The students that left earlier also came back. Their eyes widened at how normal we all looked. But if course they would expect that so their surprise didn't last long. The rest of the day went normal. And it was finally time to go back home.
*time skip to Friday*
After school finished me and the guys decided to go to a club to have fun. Jungkook told his mafia Bangtan to come along. Including Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae there are seven main members of the mafia. The most well known. The other four are: Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, and Jung Hoseok. They were all extremely nice and friendly towards me. They even shared how happy they were that Jungkook found love again after what happened. I looked at them confused because they said "after what happened." I looked at Jungkook and he said he will tell me while we get ready. Me and him went to our room and he sat me down on the bed and explained.Jungkook: When I was 18 I had a girlfriend who I loved more then anything. But she spent over half of our relationship fucking other guys. She would sleep with them for drugs and ask me for money. If I didn't buy her something she would guilt trick me into buying them for her. She would say "you don't love me anymore" or "if you really loved me you would buy this for me" I was driving to a store at night to pick up some ramen. When I saw her making out with a guy then she got in his car. I followed the car to a house and waited for a bit. I then got out of the car and went towards the front door. I heard her moaning and furniture moving. I ran of the porch and went into my car and drove home. The next day she came over to my house and asked for me to buy her a purse she saw that she liked. I told her to come inside. Yoongi was with me comforting me after I told him what happened. He saw her and his face showed disgust. He asked what the hell was she doing here. She looked at me and said "are you really going to let him talk to me like that?" I looked at her dead in the eye and said. "And are you really going around fucking other guys?" She looked at me in shock and denied everything. Yoongi took out his gun and pointed it at her head. She laughed the looked at me. Her last words were "Fuck you Jeon Jungkook! I never loved you I loved your blood money!" That's when Yoongi shot her dead. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore.
I looked at him and cried while hugging him.
Y/N: I could never hate you Kookie. I love you to fucking much.
Jungkook: You mean that?
Y/N: Yes baby.We kiss and decide to get ready

Arranged To The Mafia Leader
FanfictionY/N comes from a Mafia family so she's used to this kind of life. Her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. She's the talk of the school yet she could care less. She doesn't care about money or power she just wants to find her place in t...