Copyright Statement + Blurb + Rules

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The entire book, including (but not limited to): Prologues, characters, epilogues, and chapters are copyright protected. All rights are reserved by the author (Ari Daniels) and any unauthorised copying/stealing/editing/manipulation/etc. of my work will be punishable by law under infringement of copyright.

Basically, don't steal my shit and I won't harm a single hair on your head. Unless you ask me to, of course.

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                                              | Before Reading... |

There is no sequel nor prequel to this book, therefore you do not have to read another book to get its meaning. This story revolves mostly around the perspective of an outsider peering into the life of another as he slowly becomes a part of her world. All I'm asking is for you to read and try to understand how a person can make an impact on another's life.

                                              This story is purely fictional.

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1. I do not take kindly to the promotion of stories on mine. It's very rude and your comment will be deleted. Call me a bitch I don't care, this is MY STORY, not an advertisement where you can promote yours.

2. If you do not like this story, don't bother reading it. It's just immature to read something you don't like then say it's rubbish. Don't like it, don't read it. Clean, simple, precise. Even a caveman would get it.

3. Do not post this story anywhere else. If you do, it's plagiarism and it's illegalI have not posted this story anywhere else but here as well, so if you see it anywhere other than Wattpad or if it is on Wattpad but it wasn't published by me please tell me immediately.

4. I'm not a pro. I am merely a girl who aspires to be a writer, so of course there are still a few words or parts that need editing.

5. Feel free to post any corrections. I'll gladly look them over. However, if you put negative comments, you better know who you're up against.

 { dedication to me because I made the trailer  ^ ^ }

Happy reading!

Ari, xx

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