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I ran into an abandoned building soaking wet and shivering from the cold. I was out of breath so i leaned against a wall to think. "Who's There?" A tiny voice called.  "Elliyah shush!" another voice says. An older boy with white hair and a wrist tattoo looks at me. "Who are you?" he asks harshly. "A-anna. Anna swan i'm homeless!" i stutter. I notice the knife by his side "Lian?' A little girl runs next to him. "Els i told you to wait over there." he says. He looks back at me "And my reason to believe you is?" He asks. The little girl grabs his free hand and he sighed looking at Anna still. Anna shrugs "idk but I'm not lying!"  I insist. The boy, Lian, starts asking me another question when another man came out older than him clearly "enough Lian take Elliyah back. You should have known better than to bring her with you." Lian shrugged "sorry." Elliyah ran to the older man "Daddy!" She giggles. He smiles and ruffles her hair "go back I'll be right there" lian picks Elliyah up "come on you best not let Mills worry" Elliyah whines "daddy!"  The man sighs "go Elliyah". She whines and lets Lian carry her somewhere. I stand there awkwardly. He turns to me "hello my name is Ean. Let me see your wrist" I hesitate but show him my marked wrist. "Nowhere else to go?" I shake my head and he smiles "well my family and I live here. Your welcome to join us plenty of room." He says. I nod and smile "okay" he leads me upstairs to idk what floor when we finally stop and he opens the door. The same little girl from before runs over followed by a woman "daddy!" He picks her up and kissed the woman's cheek "who's this?" The woman asks. Elliyah giggles and ean held her "this is Anna."  He says and I wave. "'Scuse me" a boy says behind me "Mason come 'ere" Lian says. I look at the boy, Mason. "Sorry" I say and move out of his way "im dead." He takes Elliyah "I have a child he won't kill me." He says. Ean chuckled "Lian he has a child as defense" Lian rolled his eyes "Mason put her down" he says glaring at the boy. Another boy tackles Lian and another jumps on him. I squeak and look at Ean and the woman. Mason put Elliyah down and jumped on them. Ean jogged over and laid on them. Elliyah climbs onto her father. I look at the lady. Another girl sat quietly reading in the corner not paying any attention to them. The woman just laughs "what am I going to do with all of you." She turns back to me "come in dear. Come and sit down while I part my daughter and the other idiots". She says and picks up Elliyah. I sit down and watch Ean get up then mason then two other boys and finally Lian. I watch them "ah new person!" Casper hid behind Lian. "Relax Casper" She says pulling him to the couch so he'd sit with Elliyah. Elliyah climbs onto his lap and sits on him. She giggles. "I'm casper my sister Aris is over there reading her book." he says holding Elliyah. I nod and smile. "I'm tanner" the other boy says. I nod "I'm Anna." I say. Casper smiles and holds Elliyah tight. "Well I'm Millie and you missed dinner but I have leftovers if you want" Anna shook her head "no thanks.." she says. Millie looked at her watch "Elliyah time for bed" she says. "Nooooo I don't want to mommy" he whines. Ean looks at her "Elliyah." He says in a warning tone. Elliyah whines but goes with Millie into the other room. I look around. ean was reading something, Casper and mason where wrestling and tanner was the referee. Aris still hadn't said a word nor had she moved. Lian was watching them while sharpening his knife. Millie walks back in and sits with Ean the two talking quietly to each other. I sat kind of awkward. "Anna come here" Ean said. I walked over and sat across from him and Millie. "Anna how old are you?" He asks. "17" I say. Millie nods "Alright. Anna we do have some rules here. For one no leaving without permission and two never take Elliyah out of the building not even onto the roof it's to dangerous for her. Rule three never take more than your given. Rule 4 after Ean and I are asleep no one leaves their rooms Understand?" Millie asks. I nod "yes"
"Good. Lian come here!" Millie called. Lian walks over. His whole presence seemed intimidating to me. "Take Anna on a tour" Ean said. Lian looks at Mason then back at them "okay." I got up and looked at him. He motioned for me to follow him and i did. We walked down a long hallway. "These are the bedroom." He says. "This is mine and Masons. This ones Tanners and this one is Casper and Aris'." He says leading me down the hall. "This room is Elliyah's and-" he didn't finished because Elliyah opened her door "els why are you still awake?" He asks kneeling down to her level. "I can't sleep" she says. Lian sighs "alright you wanna come with me?" He asks. Elliyah nods and grabs his hand. Lian smiles and starts up again "anyways this rooms Millie and eans there's a door that connects elliyahs to theirs." He said and we kept walking until we heard someone yelp. Lian frowned "stay here with Elliyah." Lian says and runs back to the main room.

Homeless (but not really)Where stories live. Discover now