Chapter Four

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Vampire's Kiss

Chapter Four


Pacifica gasps when she sees me.

"Dipper... I-I can explain!" She says.

I stay silent as the vampire sits next to Pacifica.

"Go ahead," I finally say.

My friend smiles and says, "Thank you. Look, this is my friend. He's a vampire, obviously, and his name is Tyrone. I'm his blood donor."

He looks like me, but with pink hair.

"Why couldn't you tell me sooner?" I ask.

"I thought you might spill to your family. I know, stupid. You don't want to kill vampires. You're not a murderer."

"You could've told me."

She sighs.

"I should have. It hurt keeping this secret," Pacifica says in embarrassment.

I turn to the vampire named Tyrone.

His pink hair shines in the little light, and his tan skin seems to glow.

His green eyes stare at me.

Has he been staring at me this whole time?

"Yes," he suddenly says.

I flinch.

"I have special powers. I can read your mind."


"Cool right?" Pacifica asks.


Tyrone turns to my friend and says, "He's a good friend. Don't let him go."

He seems to be satisfied with me.

Or perhaps it's Pacifica's blood he's satisfied with.

He jumps into the light and winces.

I guess he's really weak against sunlight.

Vampires won't die from the sun, they just become weaker.

"See you later," he says, disappearing.

"Bye," Pacifica says, sitting on her bed.

"So, how long has this been going on?" I ask.

"For... nine months? Yeah, that's about right. Maybe a little more."

I nod.

"You won't tell anyone right? Vampires are bad at all! They-"

"I won't tell anyone," I say, feeling slightly guilty.

Should I tell her about Bill?

Should I tell her about... me?

The blonde grabs my shoulder.

"Hey... You ok?"

I turn to her.

"I... need to tell you something too."

"Go ahead. We both trust each other."

I take a deep breath.

"I'm... I'm gay. And... I'm gay for a vampire named Bill."

I close my eyes.

Oh God.

She probably hates me like my family.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

I'm going to lose my best friend!

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