Chapter Five

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Vampire's Kiss

Chapter Five

A Few Years Later (Night), Dipper is 18, Bill is... maybe over 5,200 years????-


I hurry to meet Bill.

To feel his embrace...

To feel his magic...

To feel his lips on mine.

Especially after...

You know... a beating.

"Pinetree!" Bill says happily.

"Hi Bill..."

He hugs me and grins.

We both sit on the ground.

I lean on him.

"How's life?"


"Why's that?" He asks, even though he knows the answer.

"...Ford and Stan beat me again."

Bill says nothing but nods.

I take off my shirt so he can see the damage.

Bill closes his eyes and his hands glow a soft yellow.

He opens his eyes and sits behind me.

He begins to rub my back with his hands.

They heal the cuts and bruises.

And it feels great.

"There," Bill says, finishing.

"Thank you," I say, putting my shirt back on.

I rub my neck.

"So... I've been thinking..."

Bill tilts his head like a puppy.


I want to be Turned.

Well, Half-Turned.

"What's on your mind Pinetree?" Bill asks.


My voice shakes.

"I... I want you to Half-Turn me."

He blinks in surprise.

"Really?" He asks.

I nod.

He grins.

"Ok then. I will. I'll do it," he says.

"I love you," he says as he kisses me.

He's never said that before...

"I love you too," I say, truly meaning it.

"It might feel strange, and you'll feel really weak afterwards," he warns.

I nod. 

Bill bites my flesh harshly.

...but it feels different somehow.

It feels... better.

I let out a soft moan as Bill pushes a syrumn through is fangs.

I hear him chuckle as I moan a little more.

Eventually, Bill pulls away.

I rest my head on Bill's lap.

"I love you Bill..." I say tiredly.

"I love you Pinetree~~~" he hums, kissing my hair.

Just as I close my eyes, I hear yelling.

"I told you! He's sneaking away with someone! Look!" I hear my sister yell.

My eyes snap open as my family charges at Bill.

"It's a vampire! Kill it! Kill it!" Ford yells, throwing a stake.

It strikes Bill in the leg as he tries to dodge.

He hisses and falls to the ground.

I try to run towards him.

He shakes his head at me.

"Just find me when you are done Turning,"  he whispers.

"Turning??? How could you do this to us?!" Stan yells, grabbing me.

"I... I-"

I turn back to Bill, but he's gone.

Ford grabs me and starts to beat me again.

I want to scream, but nothing comes out.

Instead, I feel tired.

Maybe I'll just close me eyes for a second...




I wake up on my bed, surrounded by my family.

"Mason," Ford says coldly.

My stomach growls.

"I'm hungry," I says softly.

"Can you get me an apple?" I ask Mabel.

She runs downstairs and grabs me one.

I smile at the red fruit.

I bite into it, but suck the red out.

My family stares at me in horror.

I then eat the apple normally.

Still tastes good.

I toss the core into the trash can.

My family looks at the ground.

"Goodbye, traitor," My sister growls, taking out a stake.

I gasp and try to run away.

I pull on the door, but it won't budge.

My family advances on me.

I close my eyes and try to think of a way out.

The window! 

I run towards the window and break it.

Mabel aims a stake.

I gasp and leap out the window.

I land on the roof and the stake pierces my skin.

I hold my injured arm as I try to climb down the roof.

...but I slip and start fall to the ground.

I brace for impact, but I don't hit the ground.

I open my eyes.


I'm a freaking bat?!

My family tries to shoot me, but I dodge.

My vision becomes blurry as I lose blood.

I call out Bill's name.

"B-Bill! H...Help me!"

I fly as far away as I can.

The world begins to spin.

So hungry...

I become so weak, I begin to lose my altitude.

"Bill..." I say as I plument to the ground.


Help me...

To be continued...

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