Chapter Ten

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(Hi, everyone. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be skipping ahead in the story. One reason is because I couldn't figure out where to go from chapter 9. The other reason is that the whole Strength arc makes me uncomfortable. Like I know that I sink low, but that's just too much for me. Hope you understand.)

You sigh and sit at the top of a hill, overlooking the sunset. You fumble with the hem of your skirt anxiously. Footsteps approach from behind you. Your hands begin to shake as you slowly stand up and turn around.
"{Y/N}, why did you ask me to come back here?" Jotaro looks down at you, hands in his uniform pockets. "It was a pain to get here."
"Um, J-J-J— ahem," you clear your throat, "Jotaro-san, I've been meaning to tell you something for a very, very long time. I've been holding it back for so long that I feel like I might explode."
Jotaro takes a few steps forward and takes your hands in his. "What is it?"
You let out a short sigh and meet his gaze. "I'm in love with you, Jotaro Kujo. I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
His eyes widen, cheeks beginning to flush a soft peach pink. "You really feel that way about me?"
"I do." You look down at your feet, fearful of his reaction. Suddenly, you feel Jotaro's hands on your waist and a pair of lips meeting yours. A tear of joy rolls down your cheek as you wrap your arms around Jotaro's neck.


You jolt awake in your hotel bed, drool running down your cheek. You wipe your face and look around your room.
"A-Anne?" You see that the bed across the room from yours is empty. You're reassured by the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. You stand up from your bed, get dressed and leave your hotel room.
You walk down the hallway to Jotaro and Kakyoin's room and softly knock on the door. After a few seconds, Jotaro answers the door. He looks down at you, his unkempt hair falling onto his face. He combs his hair back and places his hat back on his head.
"O-ohayōgozaimasu, Jotaro." You smile a little at him.
"Ohayō." Jotaro leans on the doorframe, towering above you.
"I-I-I was wondering if y-you wanted to go s-s-sightseeing with me and Anne. Y-you don't have to if you—"
"Sure. I'll go." Jotaro smooths out his jacket and walks past you into the hallway. You follow behind him to your room.
You knock on the door. "A-Anne? It's me. A-are you decent? Jotaro is w-with me."
"Sure! Come in!" Anne shouts from inside. You open the door to see Anne drying out her hair. "Ready to go?"
"Mmhm." You nod and pick your backpack up.
You, Anne and Jotaro walk out of the hotel lobby and onto the sidewalk. You all stop when you hear someone call out from behind you.
"Hey, wait up!" It's Kakyoin, waving you down.
"Kakyoin? I thought you were going to hang out by the pool today." Jotaro puts his hands in his pockets.
Kakyoin shrugs, nudging Jotaro with his elbow. "I changed my mind. Thought it would be better to do some sightseeing with my best buddy."
Jotaro squints. "Right... let's get a move on."

The four of you end up stopping for something to cool you off. Jotaro walks up to the ice cream stand. "Four chilled coconut juices."
"Yes, thanks!" The vendor smiles. "That'll be sixteen dollars."
Anne glares at the vendor. "Hey, that should only be twelve dollars!"
Kakyoin grabs his wallet. "Well, this should cover it."
Before he can put it back into his pocket, a man dashes by, taking it from his hand. A flash of green passes your view as Hierophant Green grabs the thief's ankles, causing him to fall. You look over at Kakyoin, concerned. He looks... terrifying. "You shithead... Did you think you could get away with stealing my wallet, you fucking bitch?!"
"K-Kakyoin...?" You take a step forward.
"Spill your guts!" Kakyoin brings the thief's face down onto his knee, blood spurting all over his uniform pants. "You scumbag... you're not even worth a cockroach's dick."
"Kakyoin, stop!" Jotaro calls out, but to no avail. Kakyoin attempts to break the thief's spine over his shoulders.
"My precious wallet! How dare you steal it from me with the same fingers that wipe your filthy ass?! What you've done is unforgivable."
"K-Kakyoin!! Stop it!!" You run over and grab his arm.
You fall backwards onto the pavement. You squeeze your eyes shut and hold your mouth tightly, hissing in pain. You pull your hands away from your lips to see blood on them. You can hear Jotaro talking to Kakyoin, but you don't bother to listen. You see Anne run over to you.
"{Y/N}! Are you alright?!" She reaches her hand out to you. You take it and she pulls you up. "Your lip looks like it's split. Does it hurt?"
You're suddenly handed a chilled coconut juice from Jotaro. "You can have mine. Put it on your lip."
Before you can thank him, Kakyoin begins laughing. "Jotaro-kun! No need to strain yourself over this! I'm just a bit agitated today. The trip was exhausting and put me into a bad mood."
"A bad mood?" Jotaro glares at him. "You seemed fine earlier. Anyway, jiji and Avdol think we should get to India by train. We're leaving tomorrow. We'll take a cable car to Singapore Station to reserve tickets."
You walk ahead with Jotaro as Anne and Kakyoin stay behind. Suddenly, she runs up and grabs your arm, clearly shaken up by something.
"Anne, a-are you okay? Wh-what's wrong?" You look at her, concerned.
"Nothing..." Anne holds onto the sleeve of your jacket tightly.

To be continued...

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