Part 9: Amelie meet with Conquermyself mentors

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In the next day she goes in Conquermyself mentors office. In the office was Paola an colleg of Antonio but she was leaving. So she see her and tell...
P: Mrs Amelie my colleg is inside you can go.
So she knock the door and Antonio was there on the office.
An: Good morning Mrs...
Am: Good morning My name is Amelie.
An: My name is Antonio. Me and Paola will help you. Tell me what's going on,you can trust us.
So she start talking to him...

 So she start talking to him

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Am: I am feeling sad. My boyfriend cheat on me and leave me an big pain. I keep stucking on the past. I losse my job and after i try to have an work interview in other companies they rejected my job applications.
An: Ok. Now i want you to take a deep breath and to stop crying. Everything it's going to be all right. Now what i want you to do is to start taking care of yourself. You need to eat healthy,do exsercizes,do what you love and the most important thing is to let go the past to throw away the bad memories and to focus on good stuff ok?
Am: It's difficult to move on.
An: It's not difficult to move on. The difficulties are in your mind. You need to be strong and to never give up. You need to conqueryourself and move on.
Am: I will try to do my best.
An: We are going to have an little exsercize. Now i want you to close your eyes take a deep breath and think of good stuff.
So she does that...
An: How are you feeling?
Am: I am feeling good.
An: Great now what i want you to do is to take this moment as an example. I want you to focus on good things and start doing everything i told you earlier.
Am: I will thanks for the help.
An: the next weeks me and my colleg Paola are going to talk again to you. We will see the results.
So then she goes and start doing what he said to her. So she start eating healthy...

 So she start eating healthy

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She start doing exsercize...

And she start passing time with her best friend Elena and start doing what she loves and goes to a cooking class

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And she start passing time with her best friend Elena and start doing what she loves and goes to a cooking class. Everything was going well for her. She found an new job. She belive on herself that she was worthy. Two weeks was passing since she start conqueringherself and she start feeling good and she start gain confidence on herself. She returns to conquermyselfentors office Paola and Antonio was there.
An P: Good morning.
Am: Good morning.
An P: How are you?
Am: I don't know how to thank you guys for the help.
P: We are glad to help tell me how you feel?
So they start talking with her and she tell to them how she feels. She start feeling happy and have an positive energy on her face.
P: I guess our work it's complet.
You are an incredible woman.
Am: Thanks Paola you to.
So after she talk with Paola,Paola leaves and she leaves to,but before Amelie leaves she tell to Antonio.
Am: Elena says me to say you hi.
And she goes and Antonio start laughing. After some years everything changes for Amelie. Her life was beautiful full of smiles because she conquerherself. But one day she see something that she was not expected. She see...

A little note: [ConquerMyself mentors exzist. They have an wonderful heart and they have an incredible page on instagram and facebook and pinterest when they post very beautiful motivations that is going to inspirate you to conqureyourself and have an incredible life. They daily quotes are very helpful. I would appriciate if you follow them on Instagram and Pinterest and like the page on Facebook because they will truly help you. There are amazing persons so please follow them. Thank you.]
The book isn't over yet so i invite you to read the part 10

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