1. first day

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My first day at Akademi High School was... strange, to say the least.
First thing, I was late, sort of. I honestly hadn't been up that late, but my older brother had been sorting out evidence for a case all night. He was a detective, and liked his job, but you could tell he would rather be making something that told a story, something that would leave an impact. I kind of felt bad for heavily relying on him, but after our grandparents passed, our parents weren't the most... stable.

As I passed him, asleep on the couch, I looked him over. Short, tousled (h/c) hair, small form curled onto a ball. I spread out the throw over him and sighed, putting on my shoes. He should stop working so muchI thought, looking back at the couch before walking out. 
"I'm not your personal alarm or s-something, b-baka!" I heard as I walked out. An orange haired boy was scolding a short girl, and she puffed her cheeks out, cutely. They were literally right across the street. "Sorry, Osano-kun!" she apologized.
I decided to run over and at least say hi, considering I wore the same uniform as (Osano/the girl). "Yo!" I greeted calmly. The girl greeted me first witlh a warm grin. "Hi! I'm Taeko Yamada! And the grump over here is Osano Najimi!"
"Hey! I can introduce myself, you know!"
"I know; but I doubt you were going to."
I laughed; the dynamic between these two was clear. Cheeky, bubbly anime heroine and her tsundere childhood friend. "Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n). I live across the street with my older brother." Taeko jumped up and down excitedly. "Then you probably go to Akademi High!" her voice was extremely high pitched as she practically shrieked in excitement. I rubbed my ears as my brother stumbled out the door. "(Y/n)! You should already be halfway to school," he lectured me tiredly. "Shane, you were literally just asleep," you replied.
"Until your new friend woke me up." He scratched the scar on his chin and sighed. "If y'all want a ride I'll drop you off. I've got some paperwork to turn into the school anyways."

He gave a lazy look at the three of us, and I noticed Osano giving him a weird look. "Uh, Najimi-san, why are you making that face at my brother?"
Shane decided to get in the car and close the door, probably having already heard this a billion times, especially since he got here. "I- is he a girl or-?" Osano looked incredibly confused by meeting my brother. "He's a guy, just... born the wrong way," I shrugged, making my way to the passenger seat. "Are you both coming or walking? I'd rather not get called out for being late." Osano dived into the back seat, Taeko following suit.

The drive there was filled with a stuffy, awkward silence.
"So, uh, what class or classes are you two in?" Shane asked with an awkward cough. Taeko spoke.
"I'm in 3-1, and Osano is in 2-1, even if he tends to act like a dummy," she replied, playfully. "Shane was the same way in high school too, apparently. More relaxed, but smart and lacking common sense," I joked, poking fun at the two guys. We pulled up to the school and Shane got out, stretching.
"Don't do anything I would do," he said jokingly.
"So no sleeping, doodling, not taking notes and turning on classical so loud I can't hear the teacher in class?"
"Just keep your ska down."
"I don't listen to ska?"
"You know what I mean."
I laughed and he handed me a green folder. "Give it to your teacher. The case I'm working on is a handful. You wouldn't believe how stupidly difficult it is to wrangle phone records of a wife who is very clearly cheating."
"How can you tell?"
"The way she was eyeballing me. I never wanted to leave so bad in my life."
"A-HEM." The obviously uncomfortable throat-clearing that interrupted the conversation came from a boy with ice blue eyes and hair that was probably only a shade or two lighter. I was guessing he was part of the student council, so I bowed and my brother gave a quick, quiet goodbye.

"(Y/n) (l/n), correct?" The boy asked. "Yes, sorry," I quickly apologized. "My brother is a bit too laid back--" "It's fine," he cut me off. It was probably for the better, considering a habit I shared with Shane — rambling. I couldn't help it, especially around this, guy. His severity made me uncomfortable, especially since he seemed the type of guy who pointed out when the teacher forgot to collect homework. Generally, I considered them my arch enemy. I had a friend back in the States who was exactly like that, but she had a very small mischievous streak.

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