2. club hunt

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I sighed, entering a room, labeled "Drama Club."
"Drama" was too scarily accurate a noun to use when associated with its leader. I watched the purple haired boy's back with little amusement, especially as I got hit in the face with his dumb cape. I muttered an "ow", and the club president wheeled around to face me. "Oh, my dear, has the beauty of even the back of my head blinded you?" he asked.
"No. You hit me in the face with your cape."
I kept many of my true thoughts deep, deep down. My brother would have instantly called him "princess," especially since he no longer felt it necessary to hide whatever popped into his head. I just made a face of mild displeasure.
"Well," he huffed, clearly seeing I wasn't going to play along, "are you here to join the club?" The question hung there for a good minute, before I addressed it with a proper answer. "I might be. I still have other clubs to check though," I shrugged honestly.
"Why don't you audition right now and give me your answer later?" There was hints of frustration in his voice, but any normal person wouldn't have detected it. I cackled in my mind. If I joined this club, at least I  had someone to annoy the crap out of.
"Gimme a script, and I'll work with you," I said as I lazily sat on a stool. He sighed, shaking his head, and searched a small closet when the guy who helped me pick up my books walked in.
Life, why must you chuck knuckleballs my way? It almost seems like you hired Min to pitch them at me
Where as life does hate me, I decided to make use of this opportunity. I got up, and asked the dude from earlier to collapse in my arms, in a very quiet voice. It confused him but I'd told him improv might get us both in. He wasn't a member in any club, according to Taeko when I asked her, literally fifteen minutes before. He decided to cooperate with me.

"Lord Fitzgerald!" I cried out in shock. Drama King exited the closet, confused, before realizing. Apparently he deemed it acceptable. 'Fitzgerald' gripped my shirt, as if in pain. "(Sir/Lady) Beauregard...." He coughed hoarsely, straining his voice in his next line. "Tell Lydia I love her..." It was monotonous, but better than most on the spot. "No! You tell her yourself! You will live through this, Louis!" I said, bringing fake tears to my eyes.
"I'm not going to make it, old friend. People hardly survive an arm or leg wound, and I've gotten myself shot," he said, looking at me seriously. I gripped him tighter. "Louis, please, don't say—!"
"Scene!" Drama King announced. I looked up and dropped the grey eyed boy. "Both of you, stand up properly," he demanded. I stood up all the way, and the boy picked himself up from the floor. Drama King grabbed my jaw lightly, inspecting my face. "You're good looking. Not as beautiful as myself but—"
"Drama King, I still have at least three more clubs to check," I sighed in annoyance. I wiped my eyes and pushed his hand off of me. The club members looked horrified. He looked shocked, then gave me the most phony smile.
Has no one treated him like he's a human being rather then a god?
"What an appropriate nickname, as the leader of the Drama Club!" he said joyfully. Oh lord. He's turned it into praise. I wanted to smack my head into a wall. "Well, dears, you're welcome back. Might I have your real names, Lord Louis Fitzgerald and (Sir/Lady) Beauregard?"
"Ayato Aishi," the boy responded.
"(Y/n) (L/n)," I replied and turned on my heels.
Yeesh. I hoped other club leaders wouldn't be so... exhaustive.
I walked as quick as I could to the cooking club, hoping I'd at least get some free food out of it. I opened the door and slipped quietly inside. Taeko was there, talking cheerfully to the club president. I walked over and lazily draped myself on her. "Taeko-chan, please tell me you have something to restore my energy," I whined playfully. Taeko laughed and I felt the stranger looking at me. "Oh! Is this the transfer student you met this morning?" he asked. Taeko nodded. "Mhm! (Y/n)-chan is pretty funny, according to Osano," she replied. "I'm right here, you two," I said blatantly. The boy laughed.

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