3. friends

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"Aso-senpai.. the reason I moved is..."
I hesitated. The actual reason wasn't pleasant, considering we had to get new phones every time we moved, and Shane never really brought it up. I quickly came up with the best bullshit reasoning I could:
"My brother is a huge fucking weeb."
"Weeb?" He echoed.
"... you really don't want to know."
My brother honestly just hopped to Japan because it would likely be a shorter flight back to California, and he didn't want his language skills to rot. But, he did watch anime sometimes. I shook my head and stuck out my tongue.
"Is school usually that weird, by the way?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh! I had a sub. Pervert... No, Rana-sensei," I said absent mindedly, digging through my bag for my meme drawing. Aso burst out laughing. "You call him 'Pervert-sensei?'" he cackled. Tears were forming in his eyes, and he was gripping his stomach. I laughed weakly. "I honestly also think I would have called him 'Creep-sensei,'" I joked. Aso finished up his laughing fit.
"Yeesh, you're fun to be around," he commented, plopping onto the couch. I shrugged. "Apparently. Even the Drama King, Snobs McNarcissism, liked my inner drama queen," I replied, pulling out the same journal that the Pervert-sensei drawing was in. "You mean Kizano Sunobu?"
I shrugged, again. "He never introduced himself. He did smack me in the face with his stupid cape."
"Sounds about right," Aso chuckled.
I decided to sketch Aso, since he was literally right there, and my brother encouraged my stupid drawings. I don't blame him; some of his best works were jokes.
One time he drew me a singular Pringle in scary detail. Akarsha and I never had laughed so hard. It was framed and in my room. Suddenly, I had an idea and gasped in a dramatic, comedic manner. "ASO-SENPAI, WHAT IF WE PRETEND TO DATE. I DON'T KNOW WHY I THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA BUT MESSING WITH PEOPLE IS HILARIOUS!" I know I shouldn't yell, but sometimes volume control is harder then it should be. He gave me a shocked look, like he thought I was a pure, innocent child.

He, honestly, probably did. "(Y/n)-chan? Wouldn't that have some negative feedback, especially on you?" he asked. I thought a moment. "It's more of an experiment. I just like seeing how things turn out. Plus, there are bound to be negatives and positives," I respond. "Plus, even if I get bullied, my brother is kind of a paranoid freak, so I can defend myself." Aso looked hesitant. "Whether we're dating for real or not, I still would try to protect you from that, and I can't always be there; we aren't even in the same class," he tried to reason.
"Aso-senpai, if you want to, just tell me. If not, you don't have to. I'm honestly just a morally questionable excuse of a human," I said, suddenly much more serious. He looked at me and smiled. "You're brave, (Y/n). But if we're going to pretend to be a couple, don't be so self-deprecating," he said, coming over and hugging me.
I set my things aside, hugging Aso back. "I'll pay you in food after clubs and stuff," I promised. He laughed, and we pulled away at the same time.

There was a knock at the door. I stood up and got it. At the door was Osano and Taeko. "Hey guys," I greeted with a silly grin. "Hi (y/n)-chan! Can we come in?" Taeko asked. I blinked a couple times, and nodded my head. "Uh, sure. Aso's here too, though. Shane is probably still trying to prove to some rich dude his wife is cheating."
"Aso? As in Aso Rito?" Taeko said, almost in disbelief.
"Why aren't you using an honorific?" Osano asked suspiciously as he took off his shoes. "You called me 'Najimi-san' until I told you to quit it."
I laughed. "You'll see."
I walked back to the living room, sitting right next to Aso, leaning my head on his shoulder. I was honestly tired, but it also fed into the couple act. Aso put an arm around my shoulder, and I closed my eyes.
It was peaceful, until Taeko started shrieking in excitement. I cracked an eye open. "Taeko-chan, please, spare my eardrums," I asked. Osano stood just behind her, almost confused. I sat up properly and stretched.
"Sit down and badger me, since I can hear and see the amount of questions running through your brains," I muttered, before being pulled into Aso's lap. How subtle
I didn't have much more time for sarcastic thoughts, as Taeko asked cheerfully, "Are you two dating?"
I looked at Aso, who smiled cheekily, with a quirked brow, then replied, "Yeah. I'm trying to go slow about it, though."
"Awe, babe, I can't help it," he said with a small pout. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. My face turned red and I pushed his head away. "So cute~" he chuckled.
"I thought asexual people don't date?" Osano asked. I sighed. "Misconceptions. Some do, some don't: people are different," I lectured. Taeko blinked. "You're asexual, (y/n)-chan?"
"Yeah. Is that a crime or something?"
"No, I think it's harder to ship you with people, though."
"Is that why you gave me that apron earlier?" I asked, entirely done.
"...maybe. But I know you're with Aso-kun, now! I won't do something like that again," she swore, holding up her right hand. Aso and I both laughed, and I curled up in his lap, leaning on his chest. He hugged me gently, and I could feel the laughter moving through his chest.
"Oh? So you're the only one allowed to be affectionate?"
"Nope, I'm just a little shy is all," I mumbled.
"... that is sickeningly cute," Osano said, covering his face. I'm pretty sure he was imagining himself and Taeko in a similar position. Suddenly, my brother's cat jumped into mine and Aso's laps purring. She was mostly a cream color with a dark muzzle. "Terrance, meet Aso. Aso, meet Terrance, my brother's weird cat."
That is when I heard the puppy barks and mild swearing in English.
"And my brother is home," I announced, scrambling to move myself and the cat from on top of Aso. The cat successfully escaped. I, however, was held firmly in place. Aso grinned and kissed my nose, and I could feel myself burning up. Even if we weren't really dating, this seemed like excessive effort, and it was throwing my inexperienced heart for a loop.
Curse teenage hormones.
My brother walked in, and grinned. Almost evilly. "Oh, (y/n), it's nice to see you've made so many friends." He said it in a way that sounded bubbly, but I knew we were going to have a discussion later. But, the pup demanded attention. It had a fluffy, blue merle, brown, and white coat. He hopped on the couch and I made a high pitched noise of cuteness overload. "Aso! Let me pet it!" I whined.
"Give me a kiss first!" He laughed.
"Don't be jealous of a puppy," I huffed. "You can't control that, (y/n)," he joked, burying his head in the crook of my neck again. My brother made a coughing noise with a vaguely displeased look at Aso. Aso puffed out his cheeks, disappointed. Still, he let me go enough in order to move so I could pet the dog, and I pecked him on the cheek. He grinned and thanked me.
"Disgustingly sweet," Osano muttered. "I heard that!" I yelled. The puppy barked. "So what's his name?" Taeko asked. To be honest, it was easy to forget people were there, Aso being an attention hog. I guess it made sense, since we were "together," but, again, I didn't understand why he was putting so much effort into a newly formed, fake relationship.
"This is Arlo. He's a happy little guy, but apparently a handful," Shane answered before chucking a box at me. I did not catch it, but Aso did. "A phone?" He asked. I shrugged. "Moving tradition," I answered, plucking it from his hand. "Now I don't have to carry a hotspot anymore!" I cheered. Shane gave me a strict look. "Why would you need to carry a hotspot in school?" He asked. I shrugged. "In case I needed to call you."
He sighed and scratched the scar on his face. His expression said, "fair enough." He sat down, and asked everyone to go. It was clear that while there were a lot of high points, it didn't mean they came without cost. Everyone took their leave, and I gave Aso a bit of a longer goodbye then the others, mostly just a hug and a high five, but otherwise it was still fairly short.
"Are you actually dating Aso?" Shane asked as I got back to him. He wasn't looking at me, but at the ground. I didn't hesitate. "Nope. I asked if he wanted to see how people would react. Plus, practical jokes. He agreed, so long as I stopped the self deprecation."
"Just be careful. We're a lot a lot alike, and you know how my last 'experiment' went."
"I will."
He nodded, and I went to my room.
It was sparsely decorated. There was a desk and bookshelf, the single Pringle drawing, and I now pinned my two works from today to the wall. I opened up my laptop to see my Satan Elmo background. I snorted, and watched Netflix for a while. Mostly things like Queer Eye and The Great British Baking Show, but some dramas were mixed in.
Suddenly, I got a call on my new phone. Because I only had four numbers in my phone at this point, and I didn't think any of my friends were the type to call when it was almost ten o'clock, I was tense. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I said.
"Don't be so cold!"
"It's almost ten, you scared the crap out of me."
"I'm not allowed to call you?"
"Not after like, nine thirty. Before then it's free game."
"You're no fun."
"Shane's rules, not mine."
"Oh, so if I called at two in the morning—"
"I'd call you a stalker and an ass for waking me up."
"Never interrupt anyone's sleep. Especially mine."
"But I'm your fave-wit person right?"
"... never do that again. But, to answer your question, jury's still out."
"Whaaaaat? You asked me to pretend we're dating!"
"Because I vaguely like your presence."
"Well, 'night, (y/n)!"
"Sleep well, Aso."
I hung up the phone and closed my computer, before collapsing onto my bed. Terrance began to scratch at the door, and I let her in. She was a sweet cat, but the new dog probably made her a bit scared. I just hoped they'd get along.
I went to sleep, Terrance curled up against my body.
I didn't dream that night.
I woke up on time, got ready, and ate breakfast before heading out the door. Hopefully, we'll be able to stay longer than we did in California.
I got out the door, Osano waiting for Taeko, and Aso waiting at my gate. I went out to meet them, when a young boy was dragging a half-asleep Taeko out the door.
I say young boy but... he goes to our school, from the looks of his uniform. "Hey, is she okay?" I asked, going to help. The boy looked cheerfully at me. "Yeah! Nee-chan is usually like this at this time," he explained. Osano exhaled deeply. "I can verify. Any time that dummy gets out the door on time, don't expect her to be the same person."
I laughed. "So what's your name?" I asked the boy.
He beamed at me. "Hanako! Hanako Yamada."
"Nice to meet you, Hanako-kun."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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