Immortal and Demon

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-Ban pov-

"Cap'n...." I said, my eyes focusing on that banana brain. I had to ask. I knew it must be true, but I had to know that what I saw was true; love-sick in his eyes. It was the almost the same look that he would have with Liz- the one who had caused him so much pain. I didn't want to see my best friend broken again.

"You're really head over heals for her aren't you?" I questioned carefully, knowing the subject was a touchy one. His back faced me, the stillness of his body worrying. He seemed like one of the eerie statues you'd find in a grave yard. With a quick nod of his head, he turned his head toward me, eyes blank like they normally are. But they shinned a bit more than usual.

"More than you are for Elaine."

"Well I don't know about that." I chuckled, setting the chicken down on the pan, steam rising off it.

"Well I am," His eyes darkened- something that happened only during a moment of honesty, anger or though-telling me he was serious. "I'm positive of it."

"But didn't we meet here literally just 4 days ago?" I wondered, moving the tong in my hand to the side.

"That may be true, but think about it. Diane's been telling us about her for almost 3 years," He argued, his eyes wondering back to the steps of his house. "And this time......I'm sure she's the one" That's what you thought last time too... I sighed, closing my eyes for a second. Opening them again, I offered a friendly smile towards my blonde pal.

"As long as you're positive.....but if she hurts you like that bitch Liz did," My lips fell, the intentions of dread filling my mind. "I won't hesitate to kill her." Don't get me wrong, so far Elizabeth was really cool; liked her like she was my little sis. But the captain's my best friend. I won't let another woman hurt him. He faced me, a grin on his face taking me by surprise.

"Well I wouldn't expect anything less from my best pal now would I?" He smiled. Giving one in return, my worry began to melt away.

"But Ban, if you lay a hand on her before," His warm expression fell, chilling me to the bone as those ebony night eyes surfaced. "and it'll be the first time an immortal dies." A shiver traveled down my back.

Sweat built on my forehead,"Understood." His eyes returned to their normal emerald, relieving me, his smile too.

"Now what can I do?" He asked grabbing a pepper shaker.

"Nope," I whacked his head forcing his hand to release it's hostage. "I can't trust you around the kitchen."

"Aw come on!"

"May I help Sir Ban?" Asked Elizabeth, walking back into the kitchen. I contemplated it-for a minute-til' I remembered her saying she cooks just as bad as captain.

"Hmm, nope." I blank faced, flipping the chicken over. The smell of my cooking filled my nostrils, making my stomach growl lowly. My weakness!

"Aw...," she pouted."Alright."

"See, she doesn't complain~" I teased the sour blondie, making his bottom lip puff out childishly. He huffed and crossed his arms glaring at me.

"Yo Mel, me and Es are gonna hang at Galland's." Zeldris said, popping his head in.

"See ya Zelda!" Captain grinned.

"I told you not to call me that..."The brother grumbled.

"Don't care."He replied stealing some chicken off the stove, which I slapped back onto the stove. Honestly, he doesn't learn. As the two brothers left, Elizabeth waved goodbye to Es, smiling to hearts content. She looked kinda adorable, it reminded me of when my little sister did it. Well, when she used to. Then I realized-tease time~

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