It was the 24th of December and Nicholas was sleeping in his bed as his father had come back from his annual present delivery. Nicholas didn't really like that billions of children knew his name or that his father was the world's largest cookie consumer. He mumbled to himself, senseless of time. *knock* *knock*, Nicholas woke up and heard the echoing of footsteps on the concrete hallways wandering around the complex. The doors of the large wardrobe opened and as he grabbed his coat, he began to scramble through his thoughts of why? After closing the large oak door to his room he heard the large alarms sounding and all in sight turned into a tainted red.
Nicholas knew every corridor, vent and doorway in the complex, he thought every turn would determine his undefinate fate. "It must be lockdown" he mumbled. Nicholas was a shy boy as he had never left the compound nor could he write. Seconds later a voice called, "Stop right there, criminal scum! I am Agent 53 and you are under arrest according to Article 53 in Subsection A of Section 12 of Myth Police Agency arrest warrant." At this moment Nicholas was bolting for the south wing emergency exit, before smoke enveloped the tight corridor. Nicholas felt the wind press against his legs and chest before the tips of his toes felt the icy depths of water consuming his body as his final breath was taken.
As Nicholas saw the MPA agent, he was kicking away, shivering. A warning shot was fired before what seemed to be the agent speaking before Nicholas. "Son, your father Callum Clause better known as Santa will joining the other criminal scum in one of the Myth Police Agency maxiumum security containment facilities, together with the Easter bunny arrested for no proof of a legal identity and stuffing and giving foreign goods to small children for consumption and the Tooth fairy who does breaking and entering and thievery of personal property. You are free to go as long as the Santa delivery service of goods is stopped this moment." Nicholas looked at the agent who was a few metres away holding a gun and then at the 12 metre drop that went into the frozen water. The agent began to sprint at Nicholas as he jumped out of the complex emergency exit, *splosh*. Nicholas began to paddle downstream.
The Christmas Redemption
PertualanganNicholas is the son of Callum Clause who is the current Santa until the Myth Police Agency arrests him for breaking and entering so Nicholas invests the help of small town Edgarton to help him save his father and keep the spirit of Christmas a secre...