Chapter 1- Morning!

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The sun woke up earlier than anyone ever did, except for a few people who either had nightmares or the inability to sleep. So, normally the sun wakes up first, it's the planets main light and heat source so it has a responsibility after all! Responsibility, anyone who dislikes it won't like to achieve it no matter the age.

Papyrus was out of his room earlier than normal, and I wouldn't say he woke up earlier considering he doesn't really sleep, but rather goes to his room and uses his computer and scratches down puzzle ideas in notebooks. Speaking of Papyrus, he wasn't too happy when the humans said he couldn't wear his battle body since when they first got on the surface they spent outside of the town under human surveillance. Technically speaking, they still weren't allowed in the human's city, but at least they allowed the monsters to make their own town near the city.

Light flew threw Sans' window, requesting him to get up like his brother. So the small skeleton did, he rolled out of bed, stood up, shook the sleep off of himself like a wet dog would with water, plopped on his hoodie, and walked downstairs. The skeleton sat himself down on the couch with a hum, which made Papyrus poke his head out from the kitchen with a smile on his teeth.

"Morning brother!" Papyrus cheered, Sans waved back at his brother. Papyrus is a morning person, or maybe he's a 24-hours-of-the-day person.

"Mornin' Pap." Papyrus walked over to his brother and sat on the other side of the long cushioned seat. "whaddya been doin'?"

The question made Papyrus' never-ending smile widen. "If you MUST know, I was cleaning the kitchen after I had practiced cooking!"

"Did you burn the bottom of the pot again?"

"Maybe..." The taller rubbed the back of his bony neck. "So what if I did! The spaghetti came out just fine!"

"I don't doubt it, bro," Sans looked up at his pouting brother, "but you do remember we had to get a new pot just 'cause you didn't wanna cook with the burnt one."


Sans chuckled, "you certainly do, bro."

"Y'know brother, I WAS gonna go on a walk alone..." Pap's grinned, "but now I'm thinking I'll drag you along with me!"

"You won't even carry me?" Sans faked disappointment, although he didn't really wanna get off the couch at the moment.


"C'mon! Not even a couple of steps?"

"No Sans, not even a couple of steps."

"you're the worst..." He mumbled although both of them knew he didn't mean it.

"I know," Papyrus said with a smile.

"So uh... when were you plannin' on leavin'?"


"what" But before Sans had much time to react, Papyrus was already at the door with his boots on. "Bro, I don't wanna get up right now. Can we go later?"

"No procrastinating brother! Now or never!" Paps smiled.

"can we go never?..." The smaller mumbled into the couch back. Papyrus shook his head and walked over. He picked Sans up by his hood and literally started to drag him out the door, and the whole time Sans' expression didn't change as he has his hands stuffed in his pockets.


They both walked down the sidewalk, eye's wandering to different places, stands, or buildings. Damn, we sure made it far on the surface, Sans pondered. Surprised the kid didn't re-

"Sans, look!" The shorter of the pair looked to where his brother was pointing. A small brick building with a sign reading "Librarby and Café". "They still have it called Librarby!"

"Well, wanna go in and grab somethin' to eat?" Sans suggested with a shrug. Paps nodded, grabbing Sans by the hood again, and dragged him into the dull brick building. But it sure as hell wasn't dull on the inside. Cream walls, dark wood flooring, wooden seats with pale pink cushions, a chalkboard with different coloured chalk saying the different things you could get, stone counters and tables and an archway that leads to a similarly themed library. "Seems like a nice little place to stay."

"It certainly does!" Papyrus wandered around and into the library, looking through the different books that littered the dark shelving. Sans decided to browse around as well but went to the other end of the small library. He scanned around but noticed a red book with a golden trim on it. He pulled it out and noticed some type of dried stain on the bottom right corner of the book. He brushed it off with a couple of sweeps from the hand and saw faded words in golden print surrounded by a black border.

"spellbound?" he mumbled out the name, confusion making his head tilt the slightest. "this thing looks ancient." The pages were still white, but they had stains and smudges all over them, some were even charred and crinkled. He flipped the book open, dust flinging everywhere, but the dust that would collect on something you haven't touched in a while. He had a hard time reading it, the ink from whatever pen the creator used had faded in some spots, bled through on others, and was smudged or covered. But he could make out a few things on the first few pages. "I found a cure- something, something- a loop in the order- words I can't read- they will fall? This book's strange" Sans closed the book up, but he didn't really want to put it back, so he slid it in his hoodie and met up with his brother.

He was gonna read it later when he got home, that was a fact. And he was strangely excited to see what the strange book was about.

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