Chapter 1

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I walked into school hastily, It was almost time for class to start after all, I walked up to my classroom door and quickly make my way towards my seat. Said seat unfortunately was beside the biggest pervert in school.

Issei: DUDE! I have a date with the biggest pair of boobs tonight!

On the outside (Y/N) was impassive, but on the inside he was extremley annoyed at how Issei treated and spoke about women on a daily basis.

(Y/N): hmm? Oh, cool.

(Y/N) attempted to apply as much sarcasm as possible into the last word, but it is Issei after all so it went right over his head. As usual.

The teacher walked in and classes began.

Time skip

It was lunchtime and I was sitting on a bench under a tree. When all of a sudden Poof popped out of my shirt pocket.

Poof: *Squeaks happily*

I was feeding her out of my hand when all of a sudden someone sat beside me

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I was feeding her out of my hand when all of a sudden someone sat beside me.

They didn't speak so I assumed they hadn't seen Poof, so I quickly hid her back into my pocket. With some of her sandwich of course.

I turned around to the sight of what I guessed was a first year from my school with white hair and a black cat hairpin.

???: I saw her by the way.

I screamed, internally of course, and I had a right to you weren't supposed to bring animals onto school premises after all.

I whispered to her to please not tell anyone.

???: I wont tell if you let me pet her.

I sigh and hand Poof to her.

(Y/N): What's your name anyway?

Koneko: Koneko.

They sat there in silence whilst Koneko petted Poof.

(Y/N): So, why are you out here all alone?

Koneko: I dont have many friends.

(Y/N): oh

They sat there in silence for another two minutes. Before (Y/N) asked her a question that would enevitably set him off on his adventure with lots of friends and, although he may not believe it, sexy ass mf girlfriends/lovers.

(Y/N): So no hea-


Sorry about that. Let's try again, shall we?


(Y/N): How about I be your friend?

Koneko's eyes widened slightly at his statement. She waited. There was no mockery. No laughing. Just good 'ol kindness. She smiled, a very rare occurance mind you, and replied.

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