Ivan apologized and then we were going to play truth or dare the card I picked up was the most awkward thing ever.

Ivan's POV
We decied to play truth or dare she picked up a dare card and froze
Ivan- Aubree?
Aubree- I cannot read this card
Ivan- It can't be that bad, Can it?
I toke the card from her hands and read it out loud
Ivan- You can chose anyone in the room to kiss
We both were froze
Ivan- So should we back out
Aubree- Nope it's a dare
Ivan- Are we really doing this
Aubree- I guess so
Ivan- Sorry if I'm nervous
She laughed
Aubree- Heh me too
Soon we leaned by each other. Are lips touched as we both slowly pulled away
Ivan- That wasn't that bad
Aubree- Yea..
We were just awkwardly staring at eachother She had a beautiful Green eyes mine were a very light blue at the time.
Ivan- You have very pretty eyes
Aubree- Same to you
We were just being awkward
Soon we hear the door open and scramble
Emilio- Hey guys
Ivan- Hey bro
Emilio- So um hate to interrupt but I need you
Ivan- What's happening
I walked with emilo up the stairs Alyssa and stephanie looked shocked. There on the ground was my little sister bleeding from her head.
Ivan- No!
Soon I heard more thumping up the stairs Aubree.
Aubree- Annabella!
Emilio- Ivan would you help me
I looked over at him
Ivan- Yea
Emilio- We have to try and heal her
Ivan- They key word is try
Emilio- Well come on
We picked up Annabella and left the room.
Ivan- Emilo
Emilio- Ivan
Ivan- How did this happen exactly
Emilio- Well I heard a thing upstairs i ran into Annabella's room and she was on the ground and her head was bleeding
Ivan- oh
Emilio- Hey iv
I looked at him
Ivan- Yea
Emilio- Can you had me some bandages?
Ivan- Yea
I opened up a cabinet and grabbed out the badges
Ivan- Here you are
He smiled
Emilio- Now help me wrap up her head with this
I rushed over
Ivan- There we are
Emilio- Now let's take her to her room
Ivan- Yea
We opened he door and placed her gently on the bed I started crying
Emilio- You ok
Ivan- She didn't deserve this!
Emilio- Yea I just hope she's ok
I ran to emilo in case you didn't notice I'm the more emotinal twin.
Emilio- Just stay positive iv
Ivan- I will give it everything I got
We left the room and Aubree ran to me
Aubree- Ivan you alright
Ivan- No my sister got hurt what do you think
She stood there in shock as I took off

To be contined

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