Ivan had let everyone in this camp meet Aubree. Soon she found a photo of ivan and emilo from when they did YouTube but Aubree doesn't know what that is.

Aubree's POV
I have found a picture of ivan and emilo from YouTube but I have no idea what YouTube is.
Ivan- YouTube was where you could put videos on the internet and people could watch them
Aubree- Oh
Ivan- yea now that this happened we can't
Aubree- Oh
I yawned
Ivan- Its Already 11!
Aubree- well night
Ivan- night
He left the room as I fell asleep not really fast though
I woke up to the smell of eggs bacon and toast.
Aubree- Ivan?
There he was and everyone else to i was on edge. Because I'm cranky had a really hard time sleeping last night.
Annabella- Someone has out of control hair
She laughed
Aubree- If you had short hair like me you would know what it is like
Annabella had long brown. Hair while mine was short
Ivan- Aubree you ok
Aubree- No
He came over to me and hugged me
Ivan- What's the matter
Aubree- I didn't get very much sleep put it that way
He hugged me. Then everyone else was staring
Emilio- Awww
Stephanie- I ship it
Alyssa- yea
Annabella- Young love
I glared at them
Aubree- Shut your face!
Ivan- Guys seriously stop!
Aubree- If you'd Excuse me I lost my appetite
I walked away soon ivan came looking after me
Ivan- Aubree
Aubree- What?
Ivan- Im sorry for what happened I
Aubree- I just need some space ok
Ivan- Ok but are you going to be ok?
Aubree- Yea don't worry about me worry about yelling and your friends and the one person
Ivan- alright
He walked away. I stood up and was pacing back and forth
Aubree- Ivan and I?
Aubree- Me and Ivan?
Aubree- Why were not good for a couple!
Aubree- Are we?
Aubree- I mean he's cute yea
Aubree- But then they would laugh at me for acting out
Aubree- No were gonna stay just friends
I walked back out
Ivan- Hey
Aubree- Im cooled off now
Ivan- That's good
Aubree- Yea
I walked into the living room everyone else was there emilo and Stephanie playing video games Alyssa drawing Annabella idk idc.
Aubree- Guys?
They all looked at me
Emilio- Yea
Stephanie- Yes
Alyssa- Hi
Annabella- Hey
Aubree- Look im sorry for acting out earlier just please dont say that kind of stuff anymore
Stephanie- Ok
Annabella- K
Emilio- Sure.
Alyssa- We will keep are mouthes  shut
Aubree- Thanks
I walked out the room
Ivan- Did they apologize
Aubree- No but they did say there not gonna say that stuff anymore
Ivan- Good
I walked back up in my room when all of a sudden I heard someone scream that couldn't be good

To be contined

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