Chapter One:

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Hi everyone! Welcome to my first ever fanfiction! I dedicate this to the everlasting Klaine fans! You guys are my kind of people. Also, I know, I know I changed the timeline a little bit.

"Move it girl," A nasty voice snarled as he pushed Kurt against the locker. Karofsky and Azimio laughed and grinned as they fist bumped.

"Were you two dropped on your heads?" Kurt yelled back.

"Excuse me?" Karofsky turned around to face Kurt. "Did he just say what I think he said?" David's hands clenched as he marched back over to Kurt with an evil glare crawling across his face.
He looked like a bull, but Kurt didn't dare say that.

"N-no, I didn't say anything," Kurt stuttered, still pressed up against the tan lockers. He put his hands in the air in surrender.

"That's what we thought... punk." Azimio attempted to be threatening as he searched his pea sized brain for a bad enough insult. "You're lucky we have to get to class otherwise..." He put two fingers up to his neck and imitated slicing Kurt's neck. Kurt gulped. They sauntered off, their eyebrows furrowed in rage. Kurt swore he could've heard them growl and could see the veins popping out of their foreheads. As if he was the one that pissed them off, and not the other way around.

Kurt slid to ground. He closed his eyes and rubbed them with the heel of his palms and stood back up. He brushed off his designer clothes. Someday, he thought, they'll all work for me. He finished grabbing his books out of his locker and glided to his Spanish class, his self esteem a little less obvious.

* * *

Kurt trudged into the choir room with a somber expression on his face, one could only describe it as him having a dark storm cloud overhanging his head. His head was faced down towards the ground. He dropped his stuff next to his chair and flopped onto it without a word to the others. Rachel and Finn walked in hand in hand. They smiled at each other. "Hi Kurt!" They greeted. He didn't reply but they didn't seem to notice. More kids kept filing into the classroom.

Earlier, Karofsky had caught him in the hallway again and stuck out his foot so that Kurt tripped. Kurt ended up with a bloody gash on his chin. Luckily, the wound wasn't too bad or he'd have to get stitches. He had to go to the nurse's office to get his fresh wound cleaned and bandaged up. When she asked what had happened he answered quickly without hesitation, "My shoelaces were untied and I tripped over them." She asked no further questions.

Mr. Shuester strolled up to the middle of the room. "Alright guys, this weeks lesson is on doing what's right not only for your physical self, but for your mental self as well. In other words, this week is about thinking about your own health as opposed to other's. You hear the stories on the news everyday about the kids your age that end their own lives. If they would've paid attention to their health they might've been able to get the help they needed to make it through the rough times. I also know that some of us in this very room are going through hard times and could use our support. I want each of you to perform a song about either letting people know that there's hope out there or relating to the people who wake up every day with seemingly no reason to do so. Because, there is hope. Life does get better."

He walked to the whiteboard that was hung up behind the glossy, black piano. He picked up a marker and spun it in his fingers a few times before writing, Health on the whiteboard.

"I personally think this weeks lesson is a great idea Mr. Shue," commented Tina. Everyone nodded.

"I agree with Tina," said Mercedes.

"Me too," smiled Finn. Kurt said nothing. Everyone began to talk amongst themselves and pair themselves up for the project. No one approached Kurt. He opened his phone to search through music.

*                                         *                                              *

Kurt went home it tears. He had had it. He was exhausted with the shoves and the pushes and the names and the disregard. It was day after day after day. It was true he had friends in Glee club, but they were his only friends. Though they supported him and every decision he made, he was still the outcast. Everyone else had someone. Rachel had Finn, Tina had Mike, Puck had Lauren, Mercedes had Shane, Quinn had Sam, and Santana had Brittany. Kurt felt alone, isolated. No one would ever truly understand the pain he went through everyday. No one else received anything more than the occasional slushee. Although they were almost always there to help him up when he was shoved, it still sucked. Majorly.

Kurt ran into his bedroom, his eyes wet with tears. He shut his bedroom door. Kurt then kicked off his shoes and threw his bag at the foot of his bed. He crawled under the covers and cried himself to sleep.

"Kurt?" He heard a man's voice say and hour or so later. His eyes snapped open and he rubbed his forehead as his head turned to see his father standing at his doorway. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah Dad, I'm fine," I mumbled. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying.

"Are you sure, son?"

"Yeah," Kurt replied putting on a smile.

"What happened to your chin?" Burt asked gesturing to Kurt's bandage.

"Oh, we were just playing kickball in gym and I got smacked in the face. No biggie." Kurt lied. Burt didn't seem convinced.

"You told me you didn't have gym this semester? You said you had Spanish. It was one of those guys again that did that, wasn't it?"

"No Dad," Kurt groaned. Burt switched the light switch on and strolled into his room.

"Lemme see your cut." Burt demanded.

"It's not a big deal Dad!" Kurt replied exasperated. Burt ignored him and walked over to Kurt. Kurt kicked off the light brown covers and sat up. There was no point in arguing. Burt peeled up the bandage to reveal a scab the size of his thumb.

"Ain't no way a ball did this."

"Fine. It was the guys again. But Dad, I swear it wasn't a big deal."

"Some kids are beating up my son and you're telling me it's not a big deal?" Burt placed a hand on Kurt's knee. "I can't watch you go through this anymore. At the start of next week, you're going to go to a new school."

"Da-" Kurt started to protest.

"Kurt, I know you hate to hear this," Burt interrupted, "but, you've come home everyday for the past month and locked yourself in your room to cry. I'm losing my son!"

"Dad, can you please leave so I can think about this and do my homework?" Sure enough, Burt left, leaving Kurt with a mountain of homework, a wave of new tears, and a song to pick for this week.


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