Chapter 5:

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Kurt woke up with a groan. He glanced briefly at his alarm clock. 6:30 AM. Kurt shoved the pillow over his face and practically screamed. Mornings. He thought. After a few seconds he ripped the pillow from his face and threw it across the room. Kurt looked around. It was so early that the stars were still shining bright from the window in his room. The room was pitch black but he could make out the figure of his roommate, Alfred.

Kurt sighed. He'd have to get up at some point. He tiptoed into the bathroom with his Dalton uniform and slipped the light switch on, shutting the door. He looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. (Haha I wish that worked) His hair was everywhere. Kurt opened up his toiletry bag and started his skin care routine.

55 minutes later he was finished getting ready. Kurt really liked his Dalton uniform. It was very comfortable and it made him feel as if he really belonged. The time read 7:30. Alfred was still fast asleep. Kurt sighed and walked over to his side. "Alfred. Time to wake up." No response. "Alfred!" He rolled over on to his other side but didn't wake up. Kurt rolled his eyes and decided to leave him to rot.

Kurt slipped his shoes on and began his journey to the cafeteria. As he walked out the door, he noticed that Blaine was just leaving his room too. Kurt tried to look away before Blaine noticed him staring. Too late. Blaine sent a grin his way.

"Hi Kurt! How was did you sleep?" Blaine caught up to him.

"Like a baby." Kurt responded with a smirk.

"I'm glad to here that. I'll walk you to the cafeteria assuming that's where you're headed and you don't mind."

"Of course not."

* * *

The walk to the cafeteria was about five minutes. Blaine was nice and Kurt was happy that it was him to tour him around the school as opposed to Alfred. Kurt thought they could be good friends. "Would you like to sit with my friends and I?" Blaine offered generously.

"I suppose." Blaine led Kurt to a table in the middle of the busy cafeteria. Students buzzed around, socializing with one another while eating breakfast. Blaine sat at one of the benches surrounding the table and motioned for Kurt to sit next to him. Kurt nervously sat next to him. He could feel the eyes of Blaine's friends stare into him.

"Warblers, this is Kurt. Kurt, this is the Warblers. They're my friends." Kurt nodded to them awkwardly.

"Hi Kurt." A scrawny boy with platinum blonde hair smiled. He reached his hand across the table to shake Kurt's. "My name is Jeff."

"My name Jeff..." he swear he could hear someone mutter.

"Oh, you must be Blaine's roommate he was telling me a little about."

"That's me!"

The kid sitting next to Jeff gave Kurt a small smile. "I'm Nick." He introduced shyly.

A thicker boy with brown hair shook his hand. He was sitting on the other side of Kurt. "I'm Trent." This went around the whole table with everyone introducing themselves. There was Thad, David, Wes, Sebastian, and a few other kids that Kurt didn't remember the names to.

"Is Kurt the new kid you said you were going to show around yesterday?" Asked Sebastian. Blaine nodded.

"Well, have you guys had your coffee yet this morning?" Blaine asked the table. Everyone raised their coffee mugs. "I'll take that as a yes."

"What's better than this?" Asked Jeff with a grin.

"Guys being dudes!" Everyone else, including Kurt laughed in response to Blaine's first comment. Blaine rolled his eyes.

"You guys are so immature." He said. Trent stuck out his tongue. "Anyways, Kurt, what's your coffee order? I'll pick you up some food while I'm up there too."

"Grande nonfat mocha." Blaine stood up, turned around and left. Everyone looked at Kurt.

"Wait bro, you like Vine?" Asked Jeff.

"Of course, who doesn't?" Everyone cheered.

"That's my boy!" They wrapped him up in a giant bear hug. Kurt grinned wildly as the smushed him. They all continued to have a conversation as if they'd known each other their whole lives. When Blaine got back he was utterly surprised.

"Wow. I see you guys are getting along well. Here's your coffee, Kurt." He handed Kurt his coffee and breakfast. It looked delicious.

"Blaine, you'll love this kid. He likes Vogue! Just like you!" Wes smiled.

"And he was kicker on the football team!"

"And he sang defying gravity flawlessly, well except the last note."

"He knows girls he could hook us up with!"

Blaine looked at them with a sideways glance. "I wasn't even gone five minutes." They all laughed.

* * *

A week had passed. Kurt like all of his teachers. They all seemed nice and excused him from homework for his first day. However, Kurt knew that he would have piles once they started assigning it to him. He had some of his new friends in some of his classes. They were nice. He seemed closest to Blaine but it was really too early to tell. They let him sit with them at lunch and dinner. They were pretty chill.

So far no one had shoved him into a wall. Everyone seemed relatively friendly to Kurt. Maybe this whole zero bullying policy was a true statement. The only one that seems even remotely iffy was his roommate, Alfred. The only time Kurt ever saw him was in the morning. Once in a while though he'd stop at his dorm after lunch to find Alfred and his girlfriend making out on Kurt's bed. To which Kurt would always turn around and walk right back out, slamming the door behind him.

He hadn't seen anyone from McKinley. Mercedes and Rachel texted him everyday but he wasn't finished healing-both mentally and physically- from the mean kids at McKinley. He hadn't told his new friends why he had transferred yet. They hadn't asked.


Thanks for reading!

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I know it was a bad way to end the chapter but I could think of any better way to do it.

Have a fantastic day! Or night if you're up late reading this. (I'm up late writing this)

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