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"Where the fuck are those two–"
"Jiminie! I'm here~!" Taehyung called out from behind, Jimin turned around, his face annoyed. "And where is your partner in crime"
"...standing in front of me?"
"Touché but not who I meant, where your boyfriend at"
"Jungkook is not my boyfriend"

"I didn't say who" Jimin smirked, oh if only Taehyung could wipe that smirk away from his face.
"Why are you so red? Are you sick or someth– woah!" He said touching Taehyung's forehead "God, You're burning up. Okay uhm, listen you don't have to work today I'll call up Jungkook. For sure he'd come running if its about you"

Taehyung blushed even more as Jimin called Jungkook. "He's coming over–"


"–or not"
"Its fine Chim, I'll be fine"
"You sure?"
"Yeah" Taehyung mumbled, I'm not really sick anyways.

Boy was Taehyung wrong, as soon as he stepped out, the freezing air just came whoosing in. Oh fuck, am I really sick?

Taehyung starts walking when he all of a sudden didn't recognize the place. "Whats a pretty thing like you doing in an alleyway like this hm?"
"Shut the fuck up Jungkook"

"Jungkook? Who the fuck is that? Your boyfriend? Well sorry to say pretty boy, he's not here"
"He's not my–

Oh fuck me"
"Sure thing"

Taehyung could make a run for it except even more guys came and surrounded him. Am I strong enough to fight them off? Probably not. Taehyung thought but ended up punching the guy in front of him anyway. "You fucking bitch!"


Taehyung dashed out of there and ran as fast as he could, he was pretty amazed he could run fast. But what he was more amazed by was the fact that despite the man calling him a bitch he didn't feel like going into little space.

Fuck, I'm lost. Just when he started to walk again, Jungkook came out of a love hotel. Taehyung frantically hid behind a building crouching down. Déjà Vu? Wait why am I hiding? Despite that thought in mind, he was still hiding "Jeon Jungkook you're one suspicious horny ass man" Just when he had said that, a boy came running, sweating in handcuffs. Handcuffs? Taehyung's mind went blank for a second when he imagined something he shouldn't have. "Aish Taehyung, you really are sick" he told himself, banging his head against the building. He sighed turning around and jumped.

"Ah, sorry"
It was the guy in handcuffs. Still in handcuffs.
"No, its fine. Do you need anything?"
"Have you seen a man, wearing a bunny mask?"
Well I saw a bunny like man walking out. "No, why?"
"He placed me in these" he said, showing it off which Taehyung, and anyone in particular, should find it weird. "Kinky"
"No! I mean yes! The bunny man! He was kinky! Then he took out a knife! And and and then he got a phone call from his boss or something! He said he needed to go and I- he left me there trapped"
"And you need help taking it off"
"Yeah.. wait! Why are you so calm?!"
"Well it seems to me he's just really kinky"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

You'd be surprised, "Do you know the man's face?"
"Well go to the police, I can't help you and moreover don't want to get involved"
"Ah, but I-"
"Goodbye sir"
Taehyung left the man in the streets, still naked. He had a migraine and dealing with this sort of shit made it even worse. Bunny mask huh. Jeon Jungkook, what are you up to?


So that happened.

Its the end, it ended on a cliffhanger maybe I'll add a few epilogues now and then. No promises!

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