Chapter One

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..Special Delivery..

Hope's POV:

June 28, 2015.

Three years ago...

It was a beautiful clear Thursday night when me and my mother, Queen Regina, the queen of the Voltorian kingdom, One of the strongest kingdoms the world has ever known, who was a week away from her due date for my unborn brother, went to the coronation of duchess Amara, daughter of house Montgomery, the royal family of Saratzi or the Kingdom of Crystals as people call it. It was that single night that flipped my life upside down.

"Mother?" I called out without taking my eyes off of the clear sky through the limo window.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She answered with her sweet warm voice.

"Do you really think I'll ever be ready to be a queen like you and duchess Amara?"

"Sure thing my dear," she replied, tucking my hair behind my right ear. "You're smart and beautiful and strong and kind and protective and most of all you have powers" she said leaning towards me, winking with the last word.

"Riight," I said with a smirk.
"I just hope other people think the same way."

"Ofcourse they do," she said with a reassuring look that made me wonder if she could possibly be right.

"You don't know that mother," I said looking at her with the tip of my eyes. "And you will never know" my voice faded with the last sentence.

"Maybe, but," And before she could finish her sentence the limo started to slow down.

Both me and my mother were distracted by the sound of trumpets greating the royal guests and rich families and the crowded entrance with flashing lights and fireworks all over the mansion covering the sky, blocking the moon light from reaching the ground.

"As I was saying you're a pride for Voltoria, a great queen-to-be and you know your duties towards your kingdom and your people," My mother said as the limo came to a halt. "But for now, we need to stay focused on tonight's coronoation and there's no need to remind you, every single word you say will affect us, we need as much allies as we can gather, Voltoria's future and it's people depends on you, Hope." she said giving me that I-Know-You-Can-Do-It look.

I've been practicing on my speech for weeks now. Mother hired a private journalist for me to teach me how to answer any possible question could be asked and how to escape from the ones I don't want to answer. Not that I was a great student of Mr. Andrews but I learned some stuff.

"Yes, mother I know," I said with a heavy breath. "And If the press asked me about anything I'll stick to the formal and keep it as brief as possible."

"That's my girl." she said, patting my leg gently, as the limo's door swang open.

I used to get in alot of arguments with my parents, especially my father, when it came to being royal. I never understood the reason about waking up at 7 in the morning, having dance lessons, choosing the right spoon to eat with and much more of trivial stuff and that was one of the reasons why I was never suitable for being the queen of the great Voltoria, or that's what my father thought anyways, also, this was a very enough reason for my father to have another baby and so he did but it was just too late for him.

He died two months later of my mother's pregnancy, it was an unfortunate incident to everyone, especially my mother.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the limo just to find myself surrounded by dozens of hungry paparazzi and journalists. Hundreds of questions flooded me accompanied with blinding flashes.

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