Chapter Two

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..The Darkest Mind..

Hope's POV:

May 21, 2018.

Present day...

By the time I finished my spanish lesson, last thing in my today's schedule, I decided to go for my secret spot in the royal private park, the only place that I go to whenever I want to be alone, to play a little on my violin.

The sky was turning the colour of fresh bruise, pollen grains flying with the breeze like musical notes, colourful blossoms covering the trees' branches, just the perfect time to play.

I've always loved that spot on the geese lake with its glittering water sheltered among the verdant hills, it's been always clear and quiet there, and so does Mr Brown, my favourite stuffed animal my father gave to me the day he passed away.

After the moon had spread it's luminance light through the floating cotton pieces and it started to get colder I decided to take my lovely guitar and head back to the palace when I spied a narrow corridor of colourful flowers not far away.

"Where did that come from?"
I muttered to myslef.

I stepped in it and shone my fifteen percent mobile flash; the leaves were splattered with something dark, something I knew wasn't good.

My throat went dry, and unconsciously, I began to follow the trail. The further I went the more my stomach knotted, as if my body knew what was I going to find and was trying to warn me. And then the trail widened out, and I saw it.

Even in the fading light I could tell that it wasn't something good. My heart sank, beating too fast that I can't even recognize it.

My mother lay facedown on the
grass, her legs sprawled out and her left arm twisted beneath her.

I was pretty sure she was dead, her dress was torn, soaked with thick red liquid, her shoes were missing. I stared at her for a long moment in a shock, the beam of my flashlight was shivering across her body.

When I got back my heart beat. I called her name as I kept moving, but heard nothing in return. Nothing but silence.

I sank on my knees, pressing my palms on her back, shaking her. The soaked blood covering her was still warm, I could feel her breathing so shallowly.

I slid my arms under her and rolled her onto her back, She was alive, barley, her eyes were glassy and her face was white as flour, I nearly fainted.

"Mother!! Oh my god, I have to move you," I said sliding one arm under her head and another under her legs. I tried to lift her up but she moaned, so I stopped.

I couldn't bear hearing her voice suffering but I couldn't leave her either, so there was nothing to do but to wait. Wait for anything to happen, for anyone to come and help us and that's when I spotted her lips shaking, she was trying to say something. her voice was barely audible, something way less than a whisper.

I leaned down and cut the distance between us, trying to recognise what was she trying to say but she was fading in and out of lucidity..

"I... I don't understand," I whispered.

her eyes seemed to focus on me, and then she took a deep, sharp breath and said quietly but clearly.
"It's time for you to get out of here, it ain't safe anymore".

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