New School

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Gundham Tanaka is starting as new student at Hope's Peak. Right now he is walking though the hallways and going to his class. Gundham is scared he might cry for something stupid. He has always been anxious about his cry because...Gundhams's tears are blood.

Gundham opened the classroom door and saw his students. He putted on a brave face and walked in. He saw 15 other students. Talking and meeting each other.

"Oh! Are you...... Gundham Tanaka?" The orange haired lady said. Gundham nodded in response.
"Hello Gundham! I'm your homeroom teacher. Yukisome Chisa! But please call me Ms.Yukisome."
"Okay, Ms.Yukisome." Gundham said.
"Gundham your seat will be next to the blonde girl. In the front." She said pointing at a desk.

Gundham nodded and went over and sat next to her. Over to his right he saw the blonde hair girl talking to a pink haired boy. They looked over at him.

"Oh, Hello! What's your talent?" The pink asked.
"I'm the god Gundham Tanaka! The Ultimate Animal Breeder!" He exclaimed. Getting up from his chair and showing his hamsters. "And these are my Four Dark Devas of Destruction!"

"I'm Kazuichi Souda! Ultimate Mechanic at you service!" Kazuichi said bowing.

"My name is Sonia Nevermind. Ultimate Princess!" The blonde said. "Your hamsters are so cute!" She added.

"T-thank you..." He responded. Gundham could feel himself slightly blush.

Over the next month at this new school he became best friends of he two. He hasn't told them his secret yet. Of bloody tears.

Today was a Friday night and he laying on his bed he didn't have anything to do so he was texting both Sonia and Kazuichi in a group chat.

Sonia Nevermind:We should truth or dare!

Kazuichi Souda:Fine by me. Gundham?

Gundham was scared what if it got too deep? What if he was forced into sharing his big secret? He inhaled and looked the screen.

Gundham Tanaka:OK let's do it. I'll start. Sonia, truth or dare?

Sonia Nevermind:Um....Dare?

Gundham Tanaka:Send a picture of your brightest crown!!!

Gundham couldn't think of anything so just send the first thing that came to his head.

Couple second later she said a picture of a platinum crown with white diamonds.

Kazuichi Souda:You where that?!

Sonia Nevermind:Sometimes. Its my turn now Kaz, Truth Or Dare?

Kazuichi Souda:Dare

Sonia Nevermind: What was the most darkest moment in your life?

'What a personal question' Gundham thought. Kazuichi didn't say anything for a couple moments.

Kazuichi Souda:When my mother pushed me down the stairs. When I was 8. I sprained my wrist.

Gundham and Sonia was shocked. Gundham loved his mother. He would feel so horrible.

Their conversation ended after that and Gundham just went to asleep.

Monday at class Kazuichi wasn't really happy today to Gundham at least.

"I'm so sorry for asking a personal question." Sonia said.
"Oh its fine it happened a long time ago." Kazuichi responded.

Gundham then thought about his own problems. His tears. He almost cried at the thought.

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