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Ever since his friend Kazuichi said that he pushed down the stairs by his mother. It got Gundham wondering was Kazuichi being abused and did Sonia have something to hide? Did all three of them had something to hide?

He thought about it all morning at school. Today Kazuichi didn't act like Kazuichi... So he decided to ask.

"My shark friend, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself this day."
"Oh I'm fine Gundham. I.......just have a lot on my mind." Kazuichi said.
"What's on your mind?" Sonia asked.

Kazuichi inhaled, avoiding all eye contact, and said.

"My family's poor. My father is a drunk! Him and mom argue all the time! I do all the work in house! I make the money in the house! I'm so stressed! And I just can't take it anymore!!!!" Kazuichi yelled. He collapsed on the ground lading on his knees.

Sonia and Gundham were shocked. Gundham got down to his level and hugged him. Sonia soon followed.

"Its okay." They both said. Gundham felt sad but he knew he couldn't cry.

Eventually they got him back on his feet. Still in hug.

"Kaz, I can somewhat relate. My parents put a lot of pressure on me to. They want me to rule the kingdom. But I'm just not ready yet. But of course my situation is nothing compared to yours." Sonia said.

"I don't have a father. I only have a loving mother." Gundham said.

Kazuichi felt slightly better that his friends were sharing their problems. Gundham then could feel himself start to cry he kinda looked heartless if he didn't crying when his other friends were.

He covered his face so they couldn't see his blood tears. He let go them and ran to the bathroom as fast he could.

Kazuichi and Sonia were confused. Why he left out of nowhere.

"I'll follow him." Kazuichi stated.

When Gundham got to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. Blood was slowly coming from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.

"N-no! No! Don't cry Gundham! DON'T CRY!!" He yelled at himself.

"Gundham are you okay?" Kazuichi asked. Coming in the door.

He quickly wiped his tears so Kazuichi wouldn't notice and he didn't.

"Don't worry Kazuichi I'm okay." Gundham assured.
"Are you sure? You can tell Sonia and I anything."

Gundham nodded in response.

Kazuichi quickly wiped a leftover tear and said.
"Okay, Gundham. Whatever you say."

Kazuichi gave him a smile and Gundham smiled at him too.

"Thank you for worrying about me. But are alright?" Gundham asked.
"Yes I'm okay.....for now." Kazuichi said. Whispering that last part to himself.

After that they all went home. All feeling closer to other.

Once Gundham got home. He sat against his room's door. Gundham then began gagging.

'Why am I gagging?' He thought to himself.

His mother heard him gagging. He came into his room. They were both panicking at Gundhams's gagging. After awhile Gundham coughed up what was in his stomach. Coughed blood to be exact. That was a big red flag for his mother. Especially if already her son cries blood.

So the next day she kept Gundham at home from school.

Which at first he did not approve of because he was worried if Kazuichi got harmed really bad. And if Sonia was stressed and freaking out since she never experienced that kind of stress before.

But he didn't argue with his mother and sleep through the morning. But he could not stop thinking  about them.

I'll Bleed For You (SouSonDam)Where stories live. Discover now