Home For the Holidays

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Summary: The group, and their children get to together for the holidays


December 25, 2025

PAIGE played with his bowtie. She laughed, as she kissed his cheek. "You are just so adorable." She ran her hand through his hair. "I love you. You are one of the best things to happen to me."

"I can never get tired of seeing you like that with him," AJ said, from behind. Paige looked back and grinned. She picked up her son and walked over to her wife.

"I love saying it."

AJ leaned up and was about to press her lips against the Brit, but the small baby started to wiggle around in Paige's arms.

"Did you get Rosie and Graham ready?"

"Just about. I wanted to see how Hunt was dressed," AJ said, as she kissed her son's pale skin. Unlike Rosie and Graham, Paige had carried and given birth to Hunter.

"Go dress Graham up. I'll meet you out there in a second."

AJ nodded and walked out of the room. Paige looked back to Hunter.

"You are going to be such a heartbreaker. I just know it," Paige whispered to her 9-month-old son.

Hunter giggled, as Paige kissed his small chubby cheeks.

Paige had named him after Hunter and Stephanie. After finding out about Sami Zayne, and how he abused her, they stood by her. They helped press charges on not only Sami, but Kevin Owens as well. Kevin had helped Sami in his mission to get Paige back. He had drugged her on two occasions. Kevin was killed a few days after Rosie was born. Sami was on parole for good behavior a few days before her birthday. But he didn't try to get in contact with her.

After Paige's talk with Sami, he decided to turn his life around. He knew no one would forgive him, and his life was over. He knew he had to start all over. As part of his parole, he had to take anger management classes. He had community service hours. And he could not be within a hundred feet of Paige, or her children.

Hunter and Stephanie made sure that it never got too much for Paige. They had given her time off when she needed. They hired a therapist to talk to her, when she wanted to talk. They did everything they could to make sure she was okay. And for that, Paige named her first, maybe only biological son after them. Hunter Stephan Knight-Mendez. Paige could still remember the look on their faces when she told them.

Hunter was just four months, when the WWE Company had an event in Orlando. Paige wanted to introduce Hunter to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. At the event, AJ knocked on the door, and smiled at the two owners of the company. Vince McMahon had retired and gave the company to Stephanie. She was now the principle owner of the company, and everything was running smoothly.

"AJ!" Hunter exclaimed, upon seeing her. AJ may have retired, but she visisted a lot, especially after she had Rosie. She didn't visit as much after Graham, but still did.

"Hey Hunter, Steph," AJ said, grinning. She stood at the door.

"Are the little munchkins here?"

"They are around. Dean took Graham to the ring, and Emma took Rosie to the locker room to make her into a diva," AJ explained, a smile on her face.

"And Paige? How is she? I heard your son is now four months," Stephanie asked, grinning.

AJ moved into the room.

"They are doing great. As a matter of fact, they are visiting." Paige entered, the baby Hunter in her arms. He was wearing a small DX t-shirt, and was biting a toy sledgehammer.

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