The New Journey

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It had been a day and half since Kartos left. Sometimes he did get lost when it came to getting back home. Both knew they couldn't stay here forever, there was no way. Atreus and y-n gathered their things (mostly weapons) and started the trek to find Kartos or any form of help.

"Y-n?" Atreus after some silence passed, earning a 'hm' in return. "Do you have any songs for the trip? The silence is a bit thick for me."

"I think I have one," Y-n admited, "but I can't remember where I heard it from."

"That's ok," Atreus reassured her, "you don't have to remember, you can just sing if you want."

Y-n smiled at how Atreus respected her even when it came to her memoeies. This fact made it evermore clear that he would be at her side every step of the way. Listening to the wind and nature around them she started the song. (Song up top)

May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadows call

Will fly away

May it be your journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)

A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

They walked as the song was sung but however this caught the attention of Brok. The drawf knew that song and if was only known by those of the nine realms or ten if you count Domira. Brok and Sindri saw the children but Kartos was nowhere to seen. This wasn't normal but they explained (more like Atreus had) what happened.

Y-n sat down on a nearby column her legs had gotten tried from all the walking. Atrues handed her his bow and quiver so he could give her a piggyback ride. The girl weighted very little due to what happrned in her past. Saying goodbye for now to the Dwarves the two kids left heading North.

They keep moving forward, until they saw an odd wooden bridge. Letting y-n off his back, Atreus walks across the first bridge really slowly because he wants to make sure that it won't break apart like before. Now he tells y-n to walk across and to stay calm.

When she is nearly halfway across the bridge, it breaks and she begins to fall but with fast thinking y-n grabs on to the bridge step in front of her trying to hold on.

"Atreus! Help me!"

"Hold on, Y-n!"

Atreus rushes back on the bridge and as he draws closer to his soulmate who is in danger, the rest of the bridge (to y-n's back) begins to break apart. Atreus quickly grabs y-n's hand and pulls her up to his chest but soon enough before they could move, there was creaking and cradling sounds. The bridge breaks in two as the young pair fall, Atreus still holds y-n closer and quickly turns his body so his back can make an impact on the water. He didn't want to see his friend injured by anything or die in vain even if she did he would never forgive himself.

The current swept the two away from the lake and to where Thamur laid. The cold water kept them unconscious as they were washed ashore. Atreus woke up coughing water but y-n was still out. She was cold but he placed an ear to her chest hearing her heartbeat.

Taking y-n in his arms he headed for a cave hidden away from the freezing weather outside. Making a fire with the leftover wooden beams and trees Atreus started a fire. He placed his extra fur jacket, that he had kept with him, around her shoulders. The fire was alright but really Atreus wanted nothing more than to be at home with his father, Mimir, and Y-n.

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