An All Too Close Call & Another God Dead

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A-n: There is death and blood in this chapter you have been warned.

Previously on Of War: Atreus x Reader - The Girl of Gods

Atrues couldn't express how mad he was and how he wanted to kill Thor for taking his mate and friend. The took the Between Realm door and got the closest they could to the mountain peak. Thor had the girl draped over the saddle on his dragon, she was silent not even her breathing could be heard. The Thunder God saw Kartos and Atreus climb up the side of the cliff and gripped the girl's dress.

"You're here for this rat, aren't you?" Thor said tossing his arm out to them, the unconscious girl swaying from the harsh movement. "Oh... How I would love to make you both pay for killing my sons. But since you took my sons, I will take your little firend! Then I will kill you both for the honour of my kin!"

Now back to your regular scheduled programming.

Kratos had Atreus fire at the Thunder God and y-n was sent flying over the edge. As she was falling one word left her, "love..."

A spirit of the dead Valeyries, Siva, (guys I don't the names) caught the dying girl and the Crimroot that Atreus dropped when he was firing at Thor. Siva flew back to Fraya as the woman mixed the ingredients she had on hand. Getting the Crimroot, she tore the leaves in small pieces and mixed them in. She turned to Sindri saying, "I need a hand prop her up by the shoulders and hold her mouth closed when I finish giving her this.

Sindri did as he was told, and held y-n's mouth shut as she tried to spit out the mix. Brok elbowed the girl making her swallow the mix in one gulp, which made the her breathing even out and cleared up the blackness in her veins. Y-n's coughing and vomiting stop entirely but her back started glowing brightly, Sindri turned her over.

Her scars covered the runes tattoos that read, "Once Fimblewinter dawns Ragnarok will be His Undoing and She will watch as Her Beloved is hurt by the Allfather's kin. She will take Vengeance on the Allfather and the Aseir Gods as a whole. She will leave nothing left of Asguard, and build the realms a new."

Her outfit changed to a royal gown. (Pic below with a crown and golden hair rings)

 (Pic below with a crown and golden hair rings)

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With the boys~

Atreus fired at his father's command his anger just kept rising as his shots landed hitting their marks. Now the boy realized why his father told him that he (Kartos) did love his mother and would kill anyone who dared to harm the woman. Atreus knew he would do the same for y-n, hev would do what he could for her if it meant she would live on. He wasn't ready to lose her yet, not now. The wind picked up and a loud growling along with what sounded like belching a gaint scaly head came into view.

Y-n stood on his muzzle with her sword ready to fight and the Thunder God changed his attention to them. Thor leapt at y-n but he was hit by another weapon, a golden pair of chakrams (full pic below) hitting the god on either side.

 Thor leapt at y-n but he was hit by another weapon, a golden pair of chakrams (full pic below) hitting the god on either side

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Pandora was in mid-air as she caught her weapons, her eyes blazing with a fire that made even Kartos feel afraid. Thor tried to strike at the woman but something ran through his left arm from the back. Y-n's sword had landed where she had wanted having thrown it like a javelin at the Aesir God. Kartos charged at the Thunder God getting the man thrown at the pile of rubble. Pandora covered Kratos as y-n did for Atreus the girls advanced on the fallen god only for Pandora to be thrown over the mountain side.

Kartos dove after the woman leaving the children to fight on their own. (Kratos didn't do this on purpose he was just closer to Pandora when she was thrown.)
Y-n's anger got worse as she stared at the son of Odin, she remembered that Thor had hurt her and placed the cursed shackles on her as a reminder of his power over her. Finally she couldn't contain her magic anymore and the wind slammed down the Aesir.

Her black tears ran as her shackles burned brightly with ancient and unused powers. Her wrists were red (right) and blue (left) respectively, with her ankles green and yellow (same as the hands). Her collar with white and black as her rage poured from her heart, all her resentment and hate made the grown god start to cower in fear.  After growing a pair Thor hit the girl with a blast of pure lighting making her hit the tree with Mimir's body with her spine.

She cried out in pain and she couldn't move without screaming her head off. With hearing those sounds, Atreus transformed into his Spartan Rage. His aura of flames heated all the air that surrounded him, the boy ran to the god. He hits the thunder god in the face making his body to fly over the edge and to the path leading from the inner of the mountain. When the man tries to regain position he was punched the face, both Kartos and Pandora where taking turns landing hit.

Kratos grabbed the aesir god  and snapped his neck in an instant, with Pandora ripping his windpipe out to make sure the god was dead.

Atrues pulled himself, his Spartan Rage drained most of his strength, to y-n. She had managed to turn herself over but couldn't do much else. Atreus pulls y-n into a hug trying not to hurt her more, he saw her eyes screwed shut from pain. He placed a kiss on her forehead and silently thanked the spirits y-n was in one piece and alive.

(Guys I took inspation from the final fight with Baldur from God of War 4. If you watch the video this battle sits kind of same way Baldur's final one did. Instead of two there are four people.)

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