5 | Erased

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A/N; Not Proof Read, Apologies. For anyone who's going to watch the Bumblebee movie on Friday, I hope you enjoy it! I'll be watching it later on when it's on DVD. Happy Holidays! :)



Going through the identification files in the State. I found a folder labeled "Black". Opening the files I saw a few generations back of the family. Finding the girls parents Ida Walker and Grayson Black, Casey Black, and a boy named Cash Black. Siblings. Finding the address of all family members, I copy all the information.

Also, I looked into security footage. To see if the human Casey had any friends, or even if the family had close friends that knew of Casey. To my surprise, she kept to herself all the time. Running off to fix up a vehicle, or driving off with a car.

But others like herself at the environment called school may know her. The instructors, and their data base. But I'll have to wait for everyone until they're all at school, that's when I'll strike. Even if a few humans are missing, most likely they never met Casey, or know of her.


Venting slightly, I knew erasing someone's existence was going to be a challenge. But it is nothing I can't do.

While searching the information, I had the printer going in the brothers, Grayson and Nathans household, to replace a few photos. I have my holoform get up from the chair in front of the lap top, and to roam the small home.

Finding a room with a few posters with a few humans, saying; John Fogerty, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Idol, Billy Squier, and Queen. A bookshelf with only a few books; Auto Upkeep: Basic Car Care, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Eddie and the Cruisers, and Dance Me Outside. The rest of the shelves were filled with music CD cases, cassette tapes, aged vinyl records, and a few movie cases of mostly old horror films.

The room itself screamed who the girl is, so I had to remove the paper sticking on the wall, and taking the books out from their spot. Opening through a small dresser, a few clothes of the girl where setted in one drawer. Taking about two sets of clothes out, it was just a flannel, a navy sweatshirt, two t-shirts, two jean pants, and other feminine clothing required. Also, a huge yellow scarf with other colors in a plaid pattern.


I have my alternative mode pull up front. Walking out with the items in hand, I toss them in them in the back of the trunk. Having my holoform go back, I scan the rooms. To my luck, there was nothing in the closets of the two room home.

So, I begin to replace or take all photos of the girl. Satisfied with my work, I take one last look around to make sure that I didn't miss anything. The whole home was clear of the girl.

Now I had to go to the second home, to do the same.



After being kidnapped for an hour, maybe more, I lost track of time, the robot in the corner never seemed to care how injured I was. They didn't ask if I was hungry or uncomfortable. Not like I expect them to, I'm just trying to figure out what kind of robot they are. And, with all the context clues I've gathered. He's not nice. Guess Breaklight already got that when we arrived here at the warehouse.

My eyelids felt heavy and sticky. My throat felt dry and sore. I just wanted to go home, I don't know which one. But, one of them, and reread one of my books, or flip in a horror flick to watch with Dad, Cash, Uncle Nate, and Mom.


I was disturb from my train of thought when the beam began to sway like a swing. Gasping, I latch on to the wire holding up the beam. Tensing up, my muscles were achy and sore, I just wanted to sleep. The robot with metal wings of sorts, let's out a metallic whir followed with raucous chuckles.

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