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Bookotter: According to Ginny, I don't post enough photos of my face so here you go

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Bookotter: According to Ginny, I don't post enough photos of my face so here you go. PicCredits: @Weaslette 

Liked by Weaslette, Weasel_King, Chosen1, Malfoy_Prince, and 1,425 others

Weaslette: Well you don't post enough photos of your face! Also thanks for the creds BB! 

Bookotter: Uh huh. You're welcome. @Weaslette 

Chosen1: You look pretty Mione!

Bookotter: Awh!! Thank you Harry @Chosen1 

Looney_Lovegood: Is that the shirt I got you for your birthday last year?

Bookotter: Sure is. It's my favorite shirt! @Looney_Lovegood 

User1: Woow! You look amazing!

User2: Love the nature aesthetic.

Weasel_King: My love 😍😍

Bookotter: <3 @Weasel_King 

User3: No one is gonna recognize that THE Draco Malfoy liked her photo???

You have one new follower @Malfoy_Prince

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