Hell Breaks Loose

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~right through me by Nikki manaj~

Beep Beep Beep Be--... my alarm clock rings. 7:30 am Awwww my head hurts. I got in the shower, closed my eyes and just let the water fall on me. I was still sleepy, i didn't get much sleep last night because I was too busy thinking about what Dwayne meant by saying we weren't official.

Why would he say something like this? i need to ask him today in school before first period starts.

sigh, I turn off the water because it was getting cold. I walked to my room I pick out of my closet a pink v-neck shirt, my black baby phat sweater and my favorite skinny jeans because it makes my butt looks good.

I picked up my bag then ran downstairs to the kitchen to make me a sandwich. my mom left a note on the fridge before going to work saying that she needed to talk to me after school about me coming home late... damn what am I going to tell her?

I check the time 8:29 am shit im gonna be late. I ran two miles from home to my school. By the time I got there i was breathless. I sat on the stairs so I can breath a little.

When I look around I saw people pointing fingers at me and laughing. What's so funny? I check myself to see if I didnt have anything weird stuck on me. nope nothing, but they were still laughing. So I decided to go inside the building. As soon that everyone saw me inside they were all laughing. one of the guys said out lound "here's the slut" everyone laughed harder.

a blond chic pushed me then said " watch out Slore" (which is a two words slut and whore put together) I looked at everybody why are they cursing at me. what the fuck have I done to them?. I need to find Dwayne maybe he knows something I don' t know.

I found Dwayne by his locker with his friends laughing so hard and looking at their phones. I quickly ran to him. I hugged him but he didnt hug me back.

"Dwayne what the fuck is going on?" I said to him now getting pissed but he didnt answer he just looked at me like I was some stranger.

"Dwayne? I'm talking to you" he raised his eyebrows at me. His friends burst into laughter. Now Im raising my eyebrows "what the fuck is so funny"

"This bitch" one of his friend said holding his phone to my face. My mouth hanged open. Oh my god!!!! I punched Dwayne in the stomach.

"YOU FUCKING JERK. YOU SAID YOU WERENT GOING TO SHOW ANYBODY THE PICTURE!!!!" I yelled at him. I was about to hit him again but he blocked it, he held both of my arms then slammed me into the lockers.

"DONT YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME YOU HEAR ME...FUCKING BITCH" HE screamed at me. I was shaking none stop I cant beleive what's happening to me. I was being played, Dwayne never liked me... it was all part of a plan.

"hey baby when are you gonna come over my house and start sucking my dick" another of his friends said liking his lips. " I heard you can give some good head game" they all broke into another laughter.

I tried to make eye contact with Dwayne but he wont look at me. Tears were streaming out of my eyes. I cant take it any longer I ran passed everybody still laughing at the scene. I ran so fast to my house if the coache saw me he would have sign me up for the track team. When I got to my house I ran to my room, I slammed my door shut then I ran to my bed and cried myself to sleep.


that was it for now i will post the next chapter only if you comment and vote.

this part of the story was more about drama no sex....i hope you enjoy it :) Ciao

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