A Deal

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Soundwave sat at a metal desk. He was breaking down an old computer system he had stolen and setting the parts off to the side.

Beside Soundwave stood the red and black bird that followed him around. Soundwave had named him Laserbeak but his inability to speak kept him from telling anyone else the bird's name.

Though his companion was a bird, he was quite intelligent and made himself useful by sorting through the parts of the computer Soundwave handed him.

Soundwave ripped out a small box with a cluster of wires coming out of it. He chucked the rest of the computer behind him and worked on disentangling the mess of wires that were attached to the box.

Laserbeak watched him and pecked his beak at a wire or two helping with sorting them out.

The two of the worked for a while with the remains of the computer and finished late that night.

Soundwave opened up a case and inside it was a collection of hideous surgical instruments.

Laserbeak watched with worry in his yellow optics as Soundwave spread the instruments on a tray that he placed next to a reclined chair.

Soundwave positioned a standing mirror over the chair and picked up the small device that he and Laserbeak had constructed. Soundwave then sat in the chair and leaned back. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and adjusted the mirror.

Laserbeak hopped over and stood on the table that was next to the chair. He straightened out the surgical instruments and looked up at Soundwave concerned.

Soundwave looked over at him then picked up a scalpel... he brought it to his neck and watched the mirror carefully. He hesitated but made the cut into his throat.

Laserbeak flinched as he watched Soundwave open up a wound he had received decades before.

Soundwave cringed but continued. He was completely silent throughout the operation but this was hardly a choice. He finished opening up his throat and reached for the small device on the nearby table but he heard approaching pedsteps... Starscream entered the room shortly after this.

Starscream looked at Soundwave. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. "Oh yeah, that's right... I'm not important enough for you to speak to!" Starscream said walking further into the room.

Soundwave tensed up. He couldn't do a thing with his throat cut open, even simply sitting upright could kill him.

"Ooh a mirror! I didn't know you spent your free time admiring your appearance!" Starscream teased.

Laserbeak and cawed angrily but Soundwave patted his head to calm him.

Starscream snickered but noticed Soundwave's throat... "What in-" he started and bent over to look closer.

Soundwave tensed up and tried to move back but he couldn't. He shoved Starscream back and covered his neck with his servos.

Starscream hissed angrily but then laughed. "So that's why you don't talk!" He declared and cackled loudly. "All that scrap about only speaking when you want-ha! You just couldn't!!"

Soundwave stayed still and quiet but what else could he do?

Starscream saw the little device that Soundwave held in his hand. "Whats this?" He asked mockingly and snatched it away.

Laserbeak cawed furiously and lashed out at Starscream.

"Get away!! Go, you flying scrapheap!" Starscream shrieked swatting the bird away. "So?... going to shove a computer modulator in your throat and hope for the best, huh?" Starscream said and laughed some more.

Soundwave watched from the reclined chair helplessly and Starscream knew it.

"Listen... I got a deal for you," Starscream began. "There's a new group of recruits scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I won't say a word about this to them or anyone and I'll give you this thing back unharmed," Starscream flipped the little device in the air and caught it, "but... there's a position open for Megatron's second in command. I want it. In fact, I want to rule the Decepticons myself one day. You stay out of my way and we're good. But one move to replace any position I hold and every Decepticon in the area will know you're nothing more than a mute with some computer pieces jammed in your throat, got it?"

Soundwave looked down to the glass pane over his chest. Words appeared on it like a computer scene: ACKNOWLEDGED. WE HAVE A DEAL.


(Well, it's certainly the longest story yet!

I got the chapter picture from: http://yesofcorsa.com/surgical-sets/

Well, there ya go! That's why Soundwave never beat the scrap out of Screamer in G1... kinda sad.

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading!!)

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