Chapter eight

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We talked about life, about our interests and about people from school.

When the subject ‘Juliet’ came up, the girl and guy from the table next to us walked over to us. “Hey” the guy said. “Hi” Andy answered. “Um… I kinda heard you talking about music and um… I was wondering; do you need two guitarists for your band?” he asked. My jaw dropped “what?” I asked. “If you need guitarists” he said. Andy nodded “Yeah, do you play guitar then?” he asked. The guy nodded. “Yeah, um… can we sit with you?” the guy asked. We were on a date, but well, sure. Andy nodded.

“Well, um… I’m Jeremy, but I prefer you calling me Jinxx. This is my girlfriend Sammi.” He said. “Nice to meet you” Andy said. “I’m Andrew, but call me Andy and this is my boyfriend Ashley” he said. Sammi smiled. “I knew it” she said. “You knew what?” I asked confused. “That you’re together. I noticed you holding hands, but Jinxx wasn’t sure if you two were together” she said. “And you’re so cute together” she said smiling. “Thanks” I said.

“But right,” Jinxx cleared his throat. “I play rhythm guitar and my brother Jake also plays guitar” he said. Andy and I nodded “well, we’d like to practice with you sometime” Andy said, “but we don’t have a drummer yet” he said.  “Really?” Jinxx asked. I nodded. “Oh, in that case, my friend Christian is a hell of a drummer. I can ask him if you want.” Jinxx said. Andy and I nodded. “That’d be awesome” Andy said.

“Here, my phone number” Jinxx said and shoved a paper in our direction. “Thanks dude” Andy smiled. “Well, we’ve got to go, but I’d like to practice with you guys” Jinxx said. I nodded. “Bye” Sammi and Jinxx said in union. “Bye” Andy and I replied.

“That was… weird, but awesome” Andy said smiling. I nodded “yeah”. “Hey, are you okay?” Andy asked softly. “I’m fine” I answered quietly. “Are you sure?” Andy asked. I nodded quickly. He raised an eyebrow. I looked at the clock which was hanging on the wooden wall in the Starbucks café. “How late do you have to be home?” I asked changing the subject, “I can take you home if you want” I said. “I can stay as long as I want, my parents are on a business trip” Andy smiled. I smiled too. “I’m home alone too” I said quietly.

“Maybe we can have a sleep over?” Andy asked happily. I nodded “sure”. “Where do you live?” Andy asked. “26th Avenue” I said. “Ooh that’s like super close to school” Andy said. I nodded. “Can we have a say over at yours then? Then we can go to school normally and we don’t have to stand up at six am.” Andy grinned. “Sure” I said.

We both stood up and threw our empty coffee cups in a garbage bin standing next to the door of the café. “To my house?” Andy asked. I nodded “sure.”

All I ever said was ‘sure’. I’m so worthless. It’s just like I don’t have emotions anymore. Well, not in front of other people. I’ve cried myself to sleep many times in my life. Because I got bullied at school or because someone had beaten me up. I think I’m weak. I’m weak for crying over those things. I’m also weak because I cried because Andy kissed Juliet. It was so embarrassing when he found me in the restroom. I don’t deserve him, I thought.

The walk to Andy’s home was very quiet. We didn’t hold hands, we didn’t kiss, and we didn’t talk.

When Andy opened the door of this house, we stepped into the little hall way. There were hanging pictures of Andy and his parents. They looked so happy. Andy had normal parents. He had a mum and dad who loved him. I had a dad who’d beat me up if I did something wrong and I’ve never known my mum.

I swallowed back tears. Andy made his way to his room and I followed him. The room was blue. In golden letters was written at the wall at the head part of his bed; Rise up and celebrate your life. Andy took a bag and started stuffing clothes in it.

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