Chapter 2

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I finished and cleaned up my mess and started walking back to the closet to put the razor back. I didn't realize I was swaying still I collides with the wall with a thud.

I start slowly making my way back to the closet that wasn't so far away. Just then I heard a door open, but it was dark and I hoped I could just sneak away

Before I know it a hand was placed on each one of my shoulders

I start freaking out thinking it was my roommate Eric (A/n: I didn't want any kpop person to be a bad guy so this is a random Eric) 

I reached for the razor I put in my back pocket, I take out the razor and start swinging. I panicked. He grabbed my hand and I started crying as I drop the razor.

He gave me a hug and I knew who it was. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding "I'm sorry Tae" I whisper breaking into a sob. Before I could say anything he picks me up like a bride and walks across the Hall before opening a door and turning on the light

He set me on a bed before walking to the bathroom. I look around and see a sleepy jungkook trying to wake up. He notices, but all I can stare at is his exposed abs, I blush a bit as I see a smirk appear on his face

Just then Tae came back with a first aid kit. He sat down in front of me. He also didn't have a shirt on. But it didn't have as much of an effect on me as jungkook did

Just then I noticed the cuts on his chest and stomach.

"Mind telling me why you where weakly walking around with a razor?" He asked and my head dropped, I heard jungkook gasp before I hear him stand up and walk over to me, he sat beside me.

"I-i... " I couldn't find words to explain, just then jungkook put his hand on mine. It felt like his touch was all I needed. It made me blush but also smile a bit, I take a deep breathe before I do something I know I'll regret

I take my hand out of jungkook and pull up my sleeve to show the fresh cuts. They didn't seem to surprised.

Tae grabbed my wrist and holds in close to him to get a better look. I flinch a bit at the contact. I started crying I couldn't take it. "I'm sorry" I say "this is what you've been doing at night?" I nod.

He let's go of my wrist and jungkook hugs me "what made made you do this, or should I ask who?"


"What does he do to you?"

"H-he..... H-he rapes me" I stutter out and I felt jungkook grip around me tighten

I sat in the room crying for hours but all they did was comfort me. Once the clock hit six am jungkook took my hand and led me out of the room

We walked down stairs where everone else was. Considering it was time for breakfast. He dragged me till we found the head master type person at the side of the dining hall leaning against a wall

Jungkook walked up to her with me close behind. At this moment all the guys at the tables were staring at us.

"She needs a new roommate" He said to the headmaster. "I think she's been getting along with her roommate pretty well" Jungkook shakes his head before I know it he blurts out what I least expect

"Her roommate Eric has been raping her"

"I don't think that would be possible" Jungkook was mad and I would be too if I was in this situation "she's been suffering since she got here. And it's all thanks to Eric" Tae says while placing his hand on my shoulder from behind

"Is this true?" She turns to me and I look over at Eric and he's giving me a look I can't really understand. It's a mix between 'you're going to regret it' and 'if you reply, I'll make it worse'

It gave me the chills, I kept staring at him till I move my eyes to the floor and I don't say a word "come on Y/n, tell them what you told us" Tae whispers in my ear. I cant, I don't want to risk it.

"I-im scared" I say half whispering half not

"Eric come here" She says to Eric. Within the minute Eric is standing right beside me and I start shaking uncontrollably, apparently jungkook noticed cause he grabbed my hand he was holding. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself and my beating heart

This isn't going to end well

I stay silent as the head master faces Eric "is all this true?"

"No ma'am" He says confidently. And the headmaster nods before signalling him he could leave, I look up to see Tae glaring at him and jungkook gritting his teeth.

Eric takes his seat and I look at him again and he's smirking like he just won. I hug jungkook arm feeling safer around him. Just then the head master spoke

"Do you have any proof?" She asks and I nod before looking at jungkook. He gave me a soft smile and nod telling me its okay.

I lift my shirt up a bit to show her.

Her eyes widened upon seeing them. I roll the my pants legs up as well. They where covered with bruises "a-all those t-times I claimed to b-be sick.. I-i was to sore t-to move" I say still shaking as I readjust my clothing before I cling onto jungkook arm again.

I hear movement behind me and I look around just in time to see the rest of BTS show up behind me "we're on her side" They say at once and the headmaster starts getting nervous. "W-well we can't prove that Eric made those bruises" She said and my heart drop

Jungkook turned to the crowd and took me with him. We stood on chairs so everyone could see us.

"If you believe that what we say is true, raise your hand" Jungkook said, he took my hand in his and lifted them both in the air.

Everyone but Eric raised their hand, even some of the female staff raised their hands. I felt relief as I saw how many hands went up. I couldn't help but smile as some tears rolled down my face

I turn to jungkook and he's also smile as we stare out at all the hands.

He gets off his chair and then puts a hand on either side of me and lifts me off the chair and gentle sets me on the ground beside him.

My hand missed the warmth of his so I grab his hand again without think, he didn't seem to mind though cause all he did was smile as we walked back to the head master

"Now, why are you the only one who can't believe us?" Jungkook asked and she sighed before grabbing her phone and dialing a number. "Yes I'd like to report a rape case." She said before discussing the address.

I felt something grab the collar of my shirt before a knife was held to my neck. "Tell them it was a mistake and hang up before I take her head" Eric said before pressing the knife closer to my neck making a few drops of blood go down my neck and soak into my cloths

I look at jungkook and the rest of bts with pleading eyes

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