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Callie's P.O.V

"Callie get up right now" my mother screeches in my ear wile standing beside my bed.

"20 minuets!" I grunt covering my face with the covers blocking out the light, I hear my mother mumble something along the lines of

"Wait until I come back" I'm not scared of her what's she going to do take my cover away, bang pots and pans next thing you know my cover is gone and I'm soaked and freezing.

"YOUR SUCH A BITCH WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I scream in her face while throwing my arms around

"Not getting up" she says calmly whilst walking out my room, I run to the door and kick it shut making a loud slam. then I realise today is the day I have to leave the comfort of my room to go on a stupid bus for 2 months, why is life just a kick in the face.

I walk to my wardrobe throwing a pair of ripped denim shorts and my jack Daniels top with my black combat boots on my bed and walked to my bathroom. I turn my shower on removing the warm clothing from my body and stepping in to the hot water shivering at the first contact of it flowing across my skin, I wash my body and hair then jump out of the shower placing my towel around my body. I go back to my room and put on the clothes I got out earlier an pull my suitcase out from underneath my bed and try to open it

"OPEN YOU STUPID ZIP" I shout tugging on it with all force ripping the zip open and falling on my arse, I grab my bed pulling myself up and just get everything from my wardrobe and draws pushing it into my case zipping it back up afterwards. I walk to my mirror and pul my shoes on throwing my bleach blonde hair into a messy bun and putting my hoops in.

"Now after all that I need make up" I say to myself searching around my room for my make up when my mum come in the room holding it

"WHAT THE FUCK WHY HAVE YOU GOT MY STUFF" I shout at the top of my lungs

"Callie it was in the bathroom calm down you rude little girl" my mum replies and turning her nose up at me at the end

"Whatever" I say under my breath snatching the bag out of her hands and walking back to my mirror, as you can tell me and my mother haven't got a very good relationship. I forget about that bitch bag and put on my concealer, mascara, blusher and my red lipstick, I grabbed my suitcase and my iphone from my bedside table making sure I pick up the charger and my headphones as well before walking out of my room and down the stairs where the devil was waiting for me at the door

"Ready?" She asks

"No I'm just here with my phone and suitcase because I'm half done" note my sarcasm and with that I walked to the car placing my headphones in and leaving my suitcase for my mum to deal with. then the heavenly sound of lawson filled my ears as I quietly hummed standing in the dark, I went through a whole playlist before the car stopped meaning we had arrived. great this is where I get to spend the next 2 months of my life.

Not my choice (Connor ball/ bradley simpson)Where stories live. Discover now