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Callie's P.O.V

I took out my headphones and looked out the car window, there are so many people like stage crew, business men and women also press and bloggers. how am I meant to put up with all of this god they can just leave me alone if the come near I will actually go on a rampage.

*knock knock knock* my mum knocks on the car window pulling me out of my thoughts

"Come on Callie I have work to do" she says paying no attention to me at all

"I'm coming OMG!" I moan climbing out of the car 'accidentally' hitting her with the door

"Oops" I say in a sarcastic tone while she glares at me. she starts walking away and I just drag my suitcase out of the boot and to the bus, I pull it up the one step and walk straight to the bunks placing mine in one of them then walking to the sofas pulling my phone out.

After 10 minuets or so of scrolling through twitter and Instagram I get disturbed once again

"Callie Jay Garcia come meet everyone!" my mother speaks rudely

"Fuckin hell don't have to be rude about it" I reply as I start walking out the door her grabbing my wrist as I pass

"You BETTER not cause any TROUBLE while we are here" she hisses at me while I rip my arm away from her walking towards the crowd if people before me.

I'm just standing her looking at the floor kicking a stone when my mum arrives

"Everyone this is my daughter Callie" she chirps

"Wasn't that happy 20 seconds ago" I mutter under my breath as she leaves me with the randoms.

It's silent for 2 minuets or so before somebody piped up

"Hi I'm Tristan" a tall blonde boy spoke

"Hi I'm james" another tall good looking boy said

"Hi I'm conner" a short boy said

" Hi I'm brad" another short boy with brown curls spoke

"Yeah whatever nice to meet you blah blah blah"

I replied then I looked at conner and OMG his eyes they are like really blue but not normal blue like a light ice blue.... what am I thinking these 4 boys are going to be a nightmare to put up with.

I turn on my heel and walk back to the bus getting a text on my way

From- my b!tch holli ♡

Hey hey hey girlie where are you I'm coming with you on your couldn't let you go by yourself now could I ♡

I replied strait after I'm so excited she is coming with me

To- my b!tch holli ♡

Hey babe we are by the O2 hurry and can't wait ♡

Another of couple minuets later I received a reply from holli

From- my b!tch holli ♡

Be there soon don't cause any trouble!! .......without me :)

"Haha" I laughed out loud to the message holli sent me

" What's so funny" james I think said

"None of your business nosy prick" I replied im in such a good mood today, I quickly replied to Hollie with just I won't and then went out. I walked out of the bus to be immediately stopped by my mum

"Where do you think you are going" she says sternly

"To Starbucks to get a coffee is that on with you?" I snap back at her as I walked away and ran across the road.

I strutted off down towards the town and came across a shoe shop, I peered through the window before walking in.

I knew what I wanted I grabbed the red suede heels that had gold studs on the front and went to pay

"That will be £110 please" the young girl said to me

"WHAT £110" I replied and she just came back with a simple

"Yes" I grunted and pulled out my mums credit card shoving it into the machine entering her pin 3653 I had learnt it from watching her type it and stole her credit card before I left the bus. the girl picked up the shoes and placed the carefully in a bag then handed it to me

"Have a nice day" she said cheerfully

"Don't count on it" I replied before leaving the shop

Not my choice (Connor ball/ bradley simpson)Where stories live. Discover now